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Audio Assault Amp Locker with Free Amp Sim

Larry Shelby

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OK... something weird going on here. 

Try to get it from the link you gave. Now it wants me to check out. OK NP with that, but when I go to use Paypal my normal payment method, it wants to charge me $0.01.. I thought this was free. Free as in no money exchanged?

Grant you, $0.01 ain't about to break the bank, but still...

Or am I just being too much of a hard *****?


Alright, I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Gonna see if PayPal charges me the one cent.

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9 minutes ago, Grem said:

OK... something weird going on here. 

Try to get it from the link you gave. Now it wants me to check out. OK NP with that, but when I go to use Paypal my normal payment method, it wants to charge me $0.01.. I thought this was free. Free as in no money exchanged?

Grant you, $0.01 ain't about to break the bank, but still...

Or am I just being too much of a hard *****?


Alright, I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Gonna see if PayPal charges me the one cent.

Use credit card...it goes straight to pay and never asks for a card...

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Would I be right in thinking this is kind of like their ReAmp, but instead a single interface to use all of the amps you own inside it?

Their website didn't really explain anything and their email was the same. But the name and after messing around with it seem to be that way. I can demo some of the amps I own but probably need to update so they show as registered in Amp Locker I suspect.

Actually to unlock the modules it seems to this:

If you already have purchased the AHM 5050 or Hellbeast, you just have to register the plugins by accessing the following link: https://register.audioassault.mx/recover.php

Edited by MusicMan
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