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Trackspacer by Wavesfactory: $29 @ Plugin Boutique


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14 hours ago, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Can one get similiar results with the new Pro-Q4?

There are many ways to get similar results. Apparently the University of Milan has a whole Bachelor's program for developing music technology (dang, when I was in high school, I would have learned Italian just to get that degree!), and the students make audio plug-ins as term projects.

One of them, TheMasker, is an attempt to do a Trackspacer workalike. While I haven't tried it on program material, it looks like they at least got the overall concept. It doesn't have the advanced screen for setting attack and release and so forth, but it's great that they gave it a shot.

MSpectralDynamics does it, MAutoDynamicEQ does it, Neutron does it, I know little about Pro-Q4, but given its reputation, it wouldn't surprise me if there's something in there that will let you sidechain in a signal and create a dynamic EQ curve based on frequency content.

The extent to which all of these products can do this varies, as does the method they use.

As others have said, you can achieve similar results using EQ and sidechained compression, it just takes longer. Frequency unmasking is as old as multitrack recording itself. Even older, before that they did it by moving the mics around.🙂

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On 1/8/2025 at 11:49 AM, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Can one get similiar results with the new Pro-Q4?

Yep, I've replaced trackspacer with Pro-Q4 and everything sounded good.
But I'm getting a red delay compensation indicator in my Pro Tools, so I'm now with Trackspacer and green indicator again.

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7 hours ago, Alex Sokolov said:

I'm getting a red delay compensation indicator in my Pro Tools

Oh dear. Is it running in linear phase mode or something?

I read up on PDC and it seems like Pro Tools has some...issues with handling it, the foremost being that it sets a fixed limit to the amount it can do? The forums I saw suggest that PT users would like an overhaul.

Pro-Q is the EQ to have it seems, a favorite of many in the audio engineering world. I have no experience with it or any other FabFilter product. If it (or at least one of its features) is having problems with Pro Tools, that is....interesting. Maybe that will be the tipping point for Avid to do some retooling (no pun intended).

There are some pretty popular FX that are latency hogs, iZotope and Acustica come to mind. Maybe Pro Tools users mostly stick to UAD.😏

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36 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Is it running in linear phase mode or something?

Actually I tried many things to fix the delay issue, including  all the phase modes.

Maybe I did something wrong, the spectral ducking by side chain always made the indicator red. 

At the same time seems all the beeded functions of trackspacer like m/s and freq selection are available in Pro-Q4 now.  

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