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Out of sync using AudioSnap


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Hi guys. I've been playing around with the great AudioSnap tool and need some help. 😍

I have a click track (audio, not midi) which is not very constant in tempo but perfectly aligned with live recording. Now I am trying to align measures (bars) to it. I use "Set Project From Clip" (Beat resolution) button to build tempos from 01:01:000 to the end of the clip (song). The clip is about 4 minutes long. And for the first 21 bars everything goes fine. But after that, the tempo sets are not built right.  The measures (bars) are starting to diverge from the audio.

That being said, Transient Markers (peaks) detected correctly (see screen), but for some reason Cakewalk refuses to adjust tempos further to stay aligned with markers... Is it by design or I am doing something wrong?

There is a neat slowdown at the end of bar 21 (I think it's called "ritenuto") after which the tempo restores during a bar or two to approximately original one. How can I persuade Cakewalk to adjust tempos in this area a bit more aggressively? :) Seems like there should be some sort of thresholds for this setting too (like the threshold for markers volume).


2023-07-25 15_29_14-Window.png

Edited by rashidDrums
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Guys, I found an almost perfect solution!

First, the clip needs to be aligned at the beginning. Second, enable AudioSnap for it and click "Copy as MIDI" from the AudioSnap palette, then paste it into a new MIDI track (Ctrl + V) at 1:01:000. Third, select this MIDI track and choose Process/Fit Improvisation from the menu.

Voila! A tempo map has been created. 🙂

And to get that clip with clicks for any song (as well as stems), you can use the Moises app. It has a Smart Metronome feature that gets the job done right most of the time.

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  • 9 months later...

First thing you can try is simply drag the click track to the timeline and Melodyne will automatically create a tempo map. 
Works best if the track you use is loud and transients are obvious.  
Then turn on Ripple edit turn off Snap Grid, and drag the project so it starts on the downbeat of the closest measure to the Right. Turn off Ripple edit when done. You need it on so the tempo map will drag with the project. 

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