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A New Day

Douglas Kirby

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Hi Everybody,

This is a track off my album "Apartment 4".  I'm not really a piano player, but I figured out the chords for this on my E-MU 61 and practiced until I did a decent take.  It's really the only piano song that I've written.  All comments and critiques are welcome, and thanks for listening.


Here it is:



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Well cool song, love the vocal as usual. Overall it hasn't got the level of mix polish of your more recent stuff, but I get it's older. It reminds me a bit of something like  an old early unreleased Beatles work-in-progress tune that somebody had tucked away in a closet. Are you planning to work it over? Again with your vocal it still works as is.




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emeraldsoul - Thanks for your comments and for listening.  I might do a bit more with it - not sure.

Wookiee - Thank you very much for stopping on by - appreciate it.

bjornpdx - Thanks Bjorn - I appreciate your comments.

kakku - Thank you very much for listening.

Bullett - Yeah, I've heard the Liam Gallagher comparison before - I guess I sound a bit like him.  Thanks for listening.

Old Joad - Thanks for your comments and for listening.  I have listened to Live in a long time?

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Good song. Agree with Tom about the polish. On the system I was listening on here at work the hi-hats were too up-front though out the song.

As I was listening I kept thinking an strumming acoustic  guitar would fill this out some more.

But your vocal performance in this was really good. Like others have said, that was a keeper.

This has the making of a really good song. Good verses and catchy chorus. It would be worth it to get it updated.

Edited by Grem
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