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Band-in-a-Box for Windows Xtra Styles PAK 7 is out - $29 (will be $49)

Reid Rosefelt

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Includes over 160 RealStyles in the following PAKs*

  • Rock-Pop 7
  • Jazz 7
  • Country 7
  • Americana 2

Info and demos are HERE

*Requires Band-in-a-Box Version 2019 UltraPAK/Audiophile Version

Xtra Styles PAKs 1-6 are available for $29 each or $189 for 1-7

This is a really nice set, definitely worth $29 if your BIAB is up-to-date. 

If you're not up-to-date, it's best to wait for December, when BIAB 2020 for Windows will come out.  


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1 hour ago, Grem said:

Checking into this now. I have all the Real Styles and Real Drums, so I can't tell if I have these already.

Maybe you do. 

But for people who aren't that familiar with BIAB...

The XTra Styles PAKS are in addition to all the  Real Tracks that come with the  program.   It gets confusing, because sometimes BIAB will have a sale and include some stuff they call adpacks (I think) with the program.   XTraStyles PAKs always cost more money.  

They are like expansion modules.  No new samples or performances. Just the existing Real Tracks and Drums are combined  in different ways. 
There's nothing in them that you couldn't do yourself.  But as you collect them, you get hundreds of these presets, all mixed perfectly.  To me they make BIAB amazing.

They release new PAKs each year with the new versions of BIAB.  So they only work if you have the version of BIAB that has the Real Tracks they use.

So if somebody had few years old version of BIAB, they might only be able to get the first two or three Xtra Styles PAKs to work.

You can definitely spend a lot of $$$ keeping BIAB updated and getting all these PAKs. 


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2 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

No new samples or performances. Just the existing Real Tracks and Drums are combined  in different ways


Took me to Chat with support to find this out. It really is needlessly confusing.


2 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

To me they make BIAB amazing.


Yes they do, I have to agree here. That's why I want them all!! 


2 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

You can definitely spend a lot of $$$ keeping BIAB updated and getting all these PAKs.


Tell me about it. ?

That's why I was asking a few weeks ago about when they go on sale. I was looking to get some more Style sets too. Might wait till BF and see what they offer. So when I saw your thread I jumped at it to all of a sudden sit back and say... wait a minute. What Do I want? What do I have? Will I be buying something I already have?  And on and on!!

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1 hour ago, Grem said:


That's why I was asking a few weeks ago about when they go on sale. I was looking to get some more Style sets too.



On the PG Music Site, they introduce the PC BIAB every December.   I think the Mac one is around May.    I see on this forum that there are occasional sales elsewhere too.  But I don't know if the prices are better than the PG Music intro sales. 

The regular list prices are really high, so you do save money if you buy during the intro price. 

I don't think they do BF because the intro sale starts the first week in December.

 Last year they introduced  Xtra Style Pak 5 in July.  Then they brought out Pak 6 in December when BIAB 2019 came out.
So I expect there will be a PAK 8 this December, but you won't be able to use it unless you upgrade to BIAB 10.

I'm sure I will get the upgrade in December.  BIAB is a program I use for all my songwriting.  I almost never use the actual tracks, but they are great to help get a song started, experiment with genres, tempos, and keys, try different intros and endings, etc. 


Edited by Tiger The Frog
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I got in on the Dec sale long time ago. Must have been around 2012. I upgraded only several times after that first purchase, and every time it was around the Dec sale! That was until 2015 and I have upgraded every year since.

Like I said, their product line can be confusing. It's taken me a while to figure it out and incorporate the main product in my workflow.I really got drawn in with the Real Drums/Tracks products. I almost ignored the midi side of it due to my lack of knowledge. It wasn't till recent when I finally figured out how to use all the good instruments I own in BiaB. That opened up a flood gate for me! I didn't realize how really good BiaB could sound with nice instruments.

And that's when I started to look at the Style Disc's they have. Waiting on a sale of those too!!

I have a song right now that I plan on using the Real Tracks that I wrote the song with. They just sound really good. I have added some stuff to it, but those original trks are gonna stay! : )

BiaB is really a very powerful song writing/performance tool that you really have to read the manual and watch some videos to get the full potential of the program. IOW, to get your money's worth!!

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If anybody is planning to take advantage of this offer, I discovered that you can't install it until you update BIAB to the latest build, 632, which came out quite recently.
If you don't do that, BIAB will only accept the idea of Xtra Styles PAKs up to 6. 

Remember that whenever you add a Styles PAK you have to click "Rebuild" in the Styles Picker for it to index everything and make it usable.

Another tip is that you can filter a single Xtra Styles PAK in the Style Picker using the dropdown from the "Other" button.  I'm using that filter now to audition all the new stuff.



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41 minutes ago, Tiger The Frog said:

Another tip is that you can filter a single Xtra Styles PAK in the Style Picker using the dropdown from the "Other" button.  I'm using that filter now to audition all the new stuff.

Nice tip. Thanks. Going get my XSP7 right now!!

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Tiger, thanks for the tip about using 'Other' for the filter in the Styles browser. I looked and I don't have any of the XSP other than the first one. So I am looking to see which ones I want. I may just break down and get them all while they are on sale. Looking through them now.

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50 minutes ago, Bapu said:

Got it. It's mine all mine.....

I love these Style PAKs.   After awhile, BIAB becomes so amazing.

Imagine getting 160 complete arrangements from something like EZKeys for $29.  I know it's totally different, but you have so many genres to experiment with your song.

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1 minute ago, Tiger The Frog said:

I love these Style PAKs.   After awhile, BIAB becomes so amazing.

Imagine getting 160 complete arrangements from something like EZKeys for $29.  I know it's totally different, but you have so many genres to experiment with your song.

I have all the EZKeys MIDI and Keys offerings. They have their place too. 

No tool is the silver-bullet-one-size-fits-all. ?


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2 hours ago, Tiger The Frog said:

If anybody is planning to take advantage of this offer, I discovered that you can't install it until you update BIAB to the latest build, 632, which came out quite recently.




Got it and got it going now.    Thanks for the tip about  updating biab to latest build. 

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