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Pastorale, a very old recording


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Hey grem, thanks for listening. Back then I recorded on two cassette decks, record a track on one deck, plug that deck in to a second one and record another part. Mic was probably the free mic that was included with the cassestte decks, can’t remember ‘twas forty years ago ?



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Rik - I used to do the very same thing and achieve (what I thought) were spectacular results (in reality they were probably  spectacularly bad).

How could my 16-year old self ever have imagined that over dubbing would be as easy as it is now. Today, all those original tapes lie either lost, damaged or broken - a metaphor for the intervening forty years I guess. 

This is getting far too nostalgic, I'm off for a lie down...

Thanks for sharing this - sounded pretty good to me considering the set up.


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Hey Gary, thanks for listening, 8 tracks on a cassette , lucky this only needed one bounce ?

Hey John,thanks, one bounce is nothing, I did some old Pink Floyd stuff that got pretty psychadelic after ten bounces? 


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