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PVR lock or unlock events


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Thx for your request, Klaus ?

What I mean is, when in the main track-window a clip has been locked by a locksymbol (yellow, blue or white)

it seems not to be possible to change the lock-status directly from PRV. But I'm not really shure...


All the best


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Ohh, so I  always have to switch between main-window and PRV... (like I do so for a long time) 

I would never work on a project without having my clips locked and saved from misstakes (this saves a lot of nerves)

From my opinion it is not an optimal workflow, but - however...


Thx anyway for Reply ?

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From my view, one aspect for not using these functions is the way to bring them in action.

One can use shortcuts (which is unhandy) or use right mouseclick-menue and choose (even more unhandy).

I personally work with my selfbuild shortcut-workpad using only three keys by only one fingertip to generate the the three different lock-effects.




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