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bats brew

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On 7/8/2023 at 3:12 AM, AndyB01 said:

So good they should use it on the credits or for a highlight reel of the race. ?

How do you play that stuff?? Your technique reminds me of Blackmore...

Keep on rockin'


hey andy!

glad you checked this  one out, i've made some changes on it since i first posted the demo....


yea, i cut my 'guitar' teeth on blackmore, so that statement makes sense.

i think i play more legato than blackmore, tho i do like digging in with the pick.




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On 7/8/2023 at 7:14 AM, EnglandBross said:

Good !! i love the guitars sound 

hi englandBross! thanks so much for listening...

i used three guitars on this composition...



left to right, 1984 Carvin DC200k, with a duncan custom custom in the bridge...

2008 USACG custom strat build, with Wilde L500 in the bridge...

1977 Ibanez Artist 2618.


i used 3 different amp models (strymon Iridium), one with each guitar, fender deluxe, vox ac30 and marshall super lead. various cabs.

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Nice track full or power and interest.    Also maybe a masterclass in the importance of mixing up your guitars and amps to create a better overall blend.   I admit I often use the same guitar/amp for multiple parts and  it really affects the overall production in a negative way.    Great work, super listen and when I need a boost of energy will revisit the F1 Trilogy often.



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On 7/9/2023 at 12:37 AM, Paul Bush said:

Really fine piece of work , the guitars are great , what drums do you use

hey Paul!

thanks for the comments.


normally i write drum parts in Superior Drummer.

i like the Rooms of Hansa drum pack the best, but also have some superior drummer 3 kits put together that are really awesome



but for THIS recording, this is an older drum track i wrote over 10 years ago,

using Sony Acid.


these are loops (pre recorded stereo drum tracks) that i organized into a specific arrangement.


i've run them thru several processes (waves Magma BB tubes, studio one Pro EQ, waves SSL bus compressor) to get them to honk the way i want.

i actually re-mixed this just last night, worked on the drums so more. i'll post an update this week's end.

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On 7/11/2023 at 3:05 PM, markno999 said:


Nice track full or power and interest.    Also maybe a masterclass in the importance of mixing up your guitars and amps to create a better overall blend.   I admit I often use the same guitar/amp for multiple parts and  it really affects the overall production in a negative way.    Great work, super listen and when I need a boost of energy will revisit the F1 Trilogy often.



hey mark! i appreciate your comments...


you know, when i'm writing, i'm doing 'demos'.

the idea is, i'm throwing the cooked noodles on the wall, and seeing what sticks.

but later, i'll listen to it, and cook it a bit more, thin it out, whittle it down, and when it comes to the 'performance' of the track,

i try to make it as authentic as possible,

because for me, the FEEL of a track is more important than the performance or the idea of it.


so, when i'm 'performing', i already know exactly what i'm going to play, 

and all that's left is adding the sauce.

which is the tones, and choices of gain.

so i'll set up 3 or 4 guitars, and with my modeler and boogie, i've got almost any tone available.

so i'll mix it up, and every track will be a new 'event' in the performance.

at least, that's the way i envision each song i put together, i'm trying to capture something special, if i can.


so next time you're going to record a song with 'keeper tracks', get prepared in advance..

i'll even do that the evening before the day i'm going to record.

i'll get everything set up in advance, guitars tunes up and on the stands, amps, effects, extra cables, whatever,

so if i hear a tone in my head, and it takes a certain guitar, amp, pedal, or even VST Fx, i can just grab it, check the tuning, and run.

nothing gets in the way of quickly getting it done.

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so, for rhythm guitar track #1, i wear the baseball hat forward...

but track #2, i turn it backwards.



shot of whisky, then a shot of tequila.

puff of this, then a puff of that.

standing up one take, sitting down the next.

look for the ugliest tone you can find, and make it work.

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On 7/16/2023 at 2:46 PM, bats brew said:

New mix of this up today


Not comparing the mixes side by side but maybe this one is a bit punchier and maybe a bit more low-mids (thicker/fuller) than the previous mix.    Just going by memory which ain't that good anymore:)   Sounds good.


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On 7/19/2023 at 1:45 PM, markno999 said:

Not comparing the mixes side by side but maybe this one is a bit punchier and maybe a bit more low-mids (thicker/fuller) than the previous mix.    Just going by memory which ain't that good anymore:)   Sounds good.


hey thanks so much for the feedback, mark!

it helps me dial stuff in, to get impressions back...

i never keep the old one, i figure, if i needed to work it some more, it wasn't there yet!

yes, i did several things to make this punchier..

i took off the 2-bus compression (which was a SSL style G seried comp, doing very little work)...

i took the LA2A compressor off the rhythm guitar buss, and just let them ride on their own..


i took some low bottom out of the bass, moved the low peak from 60hz to 80hz, kick from 50 hz to 100hz (it already had enough at 50) and then tweaked the levels just a bit.


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On 7/19/2023 at 6:47 PM, jwnicholson78 said:

Awesome guitar work and great writing too.  Love the overall arrangement.  Mix sounds great, too.


hey jeff!

thanks for the comments

yea, i tried to match the arrangement with the actual race...

 It started with Max Verstappen's car damage, then the drama at Ferrari, and then finally to cap it all off, the late-race Safety Car restart that added to the nerves.

start, stop, sprint, buildup, race!


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