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How record B-3X using 2 keyboards into one track?

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I was surprised I couldn't add two midi input controllers for one track of B-3X. After searching the forums I didn't find a solution for recording my upper and lower Axiom 61's into B-3X. 

I happen to own Bome Midi Translator Pro - perhaps I need to use it to pass through Midi Channel 1 coming from the upper keyboard and Midi Channel 2 coming from the lower keyboard to the single instance of B3-X?

Thanks in advance for advice on this. 

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30 minutes ago, Doug Steinschneider said:

I was surprised I couldn't add two midi input controllers for one track of B-3X. After searching the forums I didn't find a solution for recording my upper and lower Axiom 61's into B-3X. 

This is surprising. What happens if the track records on omni mode with each controller on a different MIDI channel--one for the B-3X  upper and one for the B-3X lower? 

  • Update: It works for me. 
    • Controller 1 sending on MIDI Channel 1.
    • Controller 2 sending on MIDI Channel 2.
    • Hammond B-3X Upper set to receive MIDI Channel 1.
    • Hammond B-3X Lower set to receive MIDI Channel 2.
    • CbB Midi Input [ I ] set to All Inputs (One Organ Track).
    • CbB recorded MIDI Data from both Inputs (verified via Event View).
    • CbB played MIDI Data on both channels (verified via playback).
Edited by User 905133
added details that worked for me
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You should be able to set your keyboards to output MIDI channel 1, 2 or 3 respectively, and the instrument track input in Cakewalk to omni or all inputs (none should work too) and all should be fine.

You also might want to check though if bouncing your recorded MIDI track to audio works fine once there are any swell pedal or leslie fast/slow changes in it, cause the last time I tried it didn't work properly and I haven't seen it fixed since by the IK team.

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Thanks for heads up to watch for slow/fast and swell not recording. I'm spoiled by the insane midi flexibility of my performance VST host software Cantabile where you don't program the midi controllers (leave mostly default) and use routing/filtering capabilities of the software to control everything. 

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On 7/6/2023 at 6:25 PM, Doug Steinschneider said:

Thanks for heads up to watch for slow/fast and swell not recording. I'm spoiled by the insane midi flexibility of my performance VST host software Cantabile where you don't program the midi controllers (leave mostly default) and use routing/filtering capabilities of the software to control everything. 

Hi Doug, just wanted to quickly update on the issue, it has been resolved in the most recent 1.3.4 version so you should be good ?

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