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Keyboards with only USB Midi out to Module

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I bought a Roland FP series keyboard to use live for solo gigs nearby as I wanted something light and thin with nice touch. The sounds of course are very limited, but I use it with my Yoga VST instruments. I also take a Yamaha MODX7 to some gigs. I would like to leave the computer at home (beach gig) and trigger the sounds in the MODX from the Roland FP. Is there a way to do this? Can you use a UM-1 in reverse -usb out of FP to MODX midi? Has me scratching my head what people do. (usually when this happens I already know that all of my simple solutions won't work.)  

Do I need a midi usb host? (95% sure I do.)



Edited by Michael Fogarty
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If you really don't want a computer involved, I'm afraid your only option is one of the USB Midi Hosts like the ones mentioned in your link.
Go with the cheapest thing you can find... the Miditech device looks to be around $80 (ouch!). Compare that to the little DIY board (USB Host Controller Board V2.4) for around 20$ and you'll see the actual electronics involved are minimal. 

Any chance you're handy with a soldering iron??? ?

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