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CSS Articulation Map not "chasing"

Robert Meeks

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Hi - first post, looking for help/advice.

I've created an articulation map for my Cinematic Studio Strings (CSS) library, and it works great except it doesn't "chase", if I'm understanding that term correctly.  If I start playing from the beginning, all of the articulations are correct.  But if I start playback in the middle of an articulation, it does not play the articulation at that spot.  It plays the articulation that was playing previously when I stopped playback.

e.g. I stop playback in the middle of a sustain articulation, then move the start point to a section that should be staccato and hit play.  It plays sustain until the current playback hits a new articulation, at which point it switches to the new articulation.

I've tried all the chase modes (CC, Note, Full) and I've verified that chase is turned ON in my midi preferences.  Just wondering if anyone has encountered this specifically with CSS and how they got around it.

Thanks in advance!

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Since ArtMaps are only a fancy way to play a MIDI 'note on' instruction, especially for any keyswitch that has a 'latching' type command (and not a 'modify while held' condition), starting playback after the initial instruction has passed in time, the VST will revert to the last played instruction. 

This is operating as designed.

Articulations based on CC# instructions CAN chase however. 

Edit: sometimes it helps, since MIDI is a serial data stream, if you advance the articulation by just a few ticks in time so that the instrument gets that command before any of the affected notes are played, it may work better. Of course, you must initiate playback earlier too.

I have several orchestral VST's that respond this way. 

Edited by OutrageProductions
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It may also be that your articulation map isn't set up comprehensively.  In more complicated VSTi's it can take more than one keyswitch to properly apply the articulation - e.g. it takes one key enter a particular "mode", then another to apply the correct articulation.

In these cases it's important to ensure that each articulation sends all necessary notes to ensure it's entering any such mode before sending the articulation note - regardless of what mode it could be in beforehand, and optionally "ends" with exiting whatever mode it entered.

If you play in the middle of an articulation, the current articulation should trigger.  There's code to ensure this happens. 

Articulations are always sent out before the notes in each track, although some VSTi's require a small amount of time to actually do the switch.


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All of my orchestral libraries work that way. One workaround is to stretch out the previous articulation to where you're currently restarting playback. As Mark noted above, Cakewalk will see that an articulation is in effect even though the starting event has passed and will correctly apply it - but it has to know there's an active articulation in play. If it automatically searched back for previous keyswitch events that could result in some screwy effects if the previous articulation was momentary (meaning only applied during the keyswitch note duration) rather than toggled. 

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