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Metronome Count-in on playback



Hi - my thanks if you can help - I feel like I've set this right in the metronome settings, but it's just not doing a count-in.  At the start of the project or anywhere else.  It just starts playing, no count-in.  The count-in works for recording though.  I have the button illuminated up the top of the screen; I've ticked the playback button in the settings, set for a measure.  Only works on recording.

Any idea where I'm going wrong or can someone get this working on their projects?

Cheers  :-)

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Although you can set the metronome to play during playback, the count-in only works for recording.

If you need a count-in during playback, the only way to do this is to shift your project along by a measure or two.  You can do this by:

  1. Set the Now Time to the beginning of the project
  2. From the main menu, select Project->Insert Time/Measures
  3. Enter the number of measures you want to shift by, make sure all the check-boxes are checked, then press OK.


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Never start a song at zero. It’s been a long time feature request to have a negative measure at the start. Everyone starts at at least one. I’ve added count ins starting at zero using the drums rim shot and that first click is always a bit quieter.  

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26 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

I would use Loop recording and start playback a few measures before the recording start time. You can have the metronome set or just listen to the drums (if any) in the project.

..or as I do when continue recording on same track, extend loop, 2 count in bars at end, and let it loop each round.

You also get a count in every loop which is convenient, I think.

- place playback cursor at end of track and let count in there start every loop.


Don't know if fixed in CbB, there is a bug in Sonar at least, if using punch in recording in combination with loop that mute previous does not work. Otherwise punch in recording would work and not overwrite part used as count in, if extending recording on same track.


If using video there were also a bug if using countin, that video started some kind of strange half speed playback during count in. Not sure if that is fixed by now.


I am using ClickItMaster that was a free plugin with Soundbites magazine some years ago, that is a project with Bluecat Audio Plug'n Script that let you define own patterns for metronome with triplets and whatnot. I make a click track with that that I use instead of built in metronome, since you cannot use PDC disable which also inhibit built in metronome.


Could be a good thing for new Sonar to really give metronome some attention, I think.

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