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OTS Summer Sale! (Group Buy)

Larry Shelby

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I finally took the plunge, and I am VERY happy with OTS.  I own several fantastic guitars, but started developing osteoarthritis in my fingers 25 years ago.  I still try to play now and then, and I can't part with my instruments.  Anyway- I am a poor keyboardist, but I can fumble away on the midi keyboard painlessly for hours.  I went with the guitar bundle and I am VERY happy with it.  I have only played three of the 21 instruments so far because I just marvel at the realistic sound and responsiveness, and want to keep playing.  These are models I have hanging on the wall, so I am quite familiar.  I foresee a lot of joyful exploration. 

Edited by Brian Lawler
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3 hours ago, Brian Lawler said:

I finally took the plunge, and I am VERY happy with OTS.  I own several fantastic guitars, but started developing osteoarthritis in my fingers 25 years ago.  I still try to play now and then, and I can't part with my instruments.  Anyway- I am a poor keyboardist, but I can fumble away on the midi keyboard painlessly for hours.  I went with the guitar bundle and I am VERY happy with it.  I have only played three of the 21 instruments so far because I just marvel at the realistic sound and responsiveness, and want to keep playing.  These are models I have hanging on the wall, so I am quite familiar.  I foresee a lot of joyful exploration. 

Brian, you're not alone! I completely relate to your experience. 

I was trained on piano, organ, drums and had a handful of guitar lessons (and had no real talent on guitar). I played drums originally in my family band starting at 4 1/2 and played in various working bands as an adult but a repetitive stress injury in 1999 caused lifelong tendinitis that makes playing drums for even 1 minute painful.  I can't even play basic arpeggios on piano  at anything  over 80 BPM without pain. So playing guitar -- and I still own 3 of them, as well as a bunch of keyboards, 2 acoustic drum kits and 2 electronic kits -- is far more painful than playing keys; so .  I can no longer play any instrument well because of tendinitis and the fact that I stopped playing long ago. But it was in 2020 during COVID lockdown I bought my son a MIDI keyboard,  started showing him how to play simple songs from The Beatles and Coldplay that I realized I could play really simple stuff -- sometimes all the way through an entire song without pain stopping me. But that was good enough to let me do home recordings. So, while even if I didn't have tendinitis,  I'd  almost certainly still be terrible at guitar,  the Evolution guitars and bass allow me to take my complete lack of ability and slightly more technique than a cat walking across a piano and do things I never thought possible. 

Anyhow, if you ever need encouragement  or someone to lean on who understands what you're dealing with, feel free to PM me.  My son once asked me what the objective of my playing was -- and I told him it's merely an outlet for self expression,  just like how some people paint or write poetry.  I'm never going to play like I could pre injury. But I can still find a little joy in the music. It's a long way from  the joy of playing with other musicians or the joy you have from being able to play something really well and inspire other musicians and listeners,  but there is a level of joy that still makes it worthwhile.  

Edited by PavlovsCat
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