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Cakewalk VS Studio One WORKFLOW ( Creative Sauce Video )

Mark Morgon-Shaw

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Perhaps in number of features, but that lack of support for 3rd-party plug-ins was a stone cold dealbreaker for a LOT of people, myself included. That relegated it to being just the linttle sound program that came with the interface. Crippleware.

Presonus was criticized all the way until they gave plugin support in Artist, especially considering all it came with in terms of instruments was a Sample One, Presence, Impact and Mojito. Then later you could use either the free version of Komplete or the paid one for some extra stuff, which then people used to replace Kontakt with a plugin wrapper and load their stuff that way until Presonus patched it.

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Well, comparison between DAWs can be boring or confusing. 

Presonus came centuries after sonar with a DAW called Studio one and it was horrible for years. But they where very aggressive marketing that Software. 

I have tried it several times and can tell you guys that it was unstable and had a lot of bugs. Now, after many years of development it is a decent piece of software that has a few great features but in other fields still don't has the functionality of Cubase or Cakewalk. 

Try to find dimmed solo, compare Cakewalks recording features with studio one's  but don't be surprised or disappointed to miss push in/ out or other things. Also the features are hidden in studio one so you have to search and search... it is a pain in the ***** imo. 

Studio one don't has lenses, workspaces and many other features that I'm happy to have in Cakewalk since many years or decades. Compare the abilities to render out and the abilities to export!

Studio one is far behind in many ways when it comes to workflow and customisation. Don't get fooled by their advertisement and their big mouth ?

Sure S1 is getting better and is a decent DAW but still not in a league with the big players, though they think they are. 

In addition they are getting the exact same problems all the older DAWs suffer from. 

Old code, stability and compatibility with the older versions. They now learn that. ??


Edited by Holger
correction of words
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I'm in the process of evaluating Studio One (also looking at Reaper) - and there's a lot I like, particularly the UI which is super clean and friendlier for adjusting views in single screen. I do think mixing will be faster and my layout/structure will be cleaner (really like folders  as busses in both Reaper and S1).  

But like any switch, there are things I'm used to in Cakewalk. I'm finding there are just different ways to do a lot of it in S1. One thing on the multi instrument out Mike failed to mention - while S1 is super easy for mapping the output to busses in the console view, it does not create tracks in the track arranger, which is where I do most of my work in Cakewalk. It just simply isn't possible unless you explode the instrument to multiple midis (who wants to edit 12+ different midi tracks for drums), or you freeze to audio. So - I thought - "why do I need separate" tracks per instrument"? The main reason outside of liking to work in track view, is for automation envelopes. You can still do this in S1 by creating the envelopes for any specific inserts or parameters and then edit those separately in track view... just a different way of doing it. I'm certain more of my time would be spent with the mixer/console open in S1 vs. what I do in CW.

I also don't see the ability to group specific controls - in my CW workflow, I do a lot of group of mutes with solos to toggle tracks. I found in S1 the "select" to solo is perhaps better than what I've been doing... it's a specific type of quick grouping, for something I use frequently.

There are a lot of other quirky things that you just have to figure out --- like you can't solo FX channels unless you specifically enable the Listen bus for solo.

Cakewalk is a fantastic, extremely flexible DAW... I would say underrated. But when it moves from free to "paid for", it will draw new comparisons. Where it falls in price point will determine what those comparisons are. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

These days I have been thinking about changing the DAW since CbB is no longer supported. Tried Reaper again and as always can't get anything done without having to set up a lot of things first, horrible workflow. I am seriously considering Cubase elements, since having an old Cubase LE 4 license obtained with the purchase of a controller, it costs me $49.99 (29.99 in times of sales)... Obviously I am also considering buying the new Sonar, although having as an option to Cubase elements at such a low price (and that has what I need), without a doubt Sonar will have a very tough rival.
I have been using Cakewalk for many years, it has everything exactly where I need it, everything within easy reach, it will be difficult to replace.

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7 hours ago, Pac Serrano said:

I have been using Cakewalk for many years, it has everything exactly where I need it, everything within easy reach, it will be difficult to replace.

So just keep using CbB until it doesn't work. My educated guess that will be quite a few years into the future.


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7 hours ago, Pac Serrano said:

These days I have been thinking about changing the DAW since CbB is no longer supported. . . .
I have been using Cakewalk for many years, it has everything exactly where I need it, everything within easy reach, it will be difficult to replace.

If by "no longer supported" you mean that only one more update is schedule before the new products are available, I suppose it makes sense to jump the gun and start looking for a replacement.  As for me, I am planning to use CbB while it is still current and will wait until the two new products are released.  For all I know, one of them might meet my needs.

8 hours ago, Pac Serrano said:

Tried Reaper again and as always can't get anything done without having to set up a lot of things first, horrible workflow.

I can relate.  I tried Reaper a few years ago and found I kept missing the SONAR/Cakewalk workflow.  Also, I tried Samplitude Pro X4 Suite (before I knew Cakewalk had been rescued by Bandlab), and never got it to work properly on my PC.

If necessary, I will just continue to use CbB.

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13 hours ago, InstrEd said:

So just keep using CbB until it doesn't work. My educated guess that will be quite a few years into the future.


Exactly - I was on Sonar 8.5 for a decade delivering music for TV, it was still working fine but CBB was free and had some new features I wanted so I made the jump

Edited by Mark Morgon-Shaw
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