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Editing oddity

Starship Krupa

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This has been annoying me for some time.

I record in Comp Mode, Group All Clips, and New Takes on Top.

I also usually have Loop mode turned on when I record so that when I get to the end of the song, I automatically start over again with another take.

At the end of a tracking session I may have say, 4 takes, all the full length of the song.

Usually I want to  crop the beginnings of the clips to get rid of the silence, shuffling, whatever, before the song starts. To do this I use Cakewalk's Edit Tool (and I swear, the first person who suggests "a better way to do that" instead of just answering my question is gonna get it-the second person, this set of steak knives) to drag the left (starting) edge of the clip over a measure or two. This works just great except for one thing.

Why is it that after I've recorded say, 3 takes and I'm sitting down to do some editing, I'll grab the left edge of the clip in Take lane 1 with the Edit tool and it will turn into the "butterfly" version indicating that it's moving two adjoining clips, then both the left edge of the clip and  the left edge of the clip in Take lane 2 above it will slide to the right if I drag it?

The workaround for this is of course to press the Ctrl key, but why does it do this? The clips aren't adjoining. The right edge of the clip in Tl1 would be adjoining the left edge of the clip in Tl2, but not the left edge.

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I've noticed this too -  I think this behaviour only happens in Comp mode.

I guess the idea is to make sure that the clips in all lanes are lined up, so that you're dealing with equally sized clips when comping.

This doesn't happen with say Sound on Sound with mute previous takes (not a suggestion... just a comparison ?)

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On 8/10/2019 at 3:09 AM, msmcleod said:

This doesn't happen with say Sound on Sound with mute previous takes

You mean if you set it up with Auto Punch.

Hmm. I think it's a bug. They're not "adjoining clips." If it happened when you were moving the end of the clip, I'd get it.

On 8/10/2019 at 3:46 AM, Gswitz said:

Have you tried breaking the bekon in half before putting it on the sandwich?

I tried folding it over, but then it turns into this....and I don't want this.

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