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GFORCE IMPOSCAR 2 for $29.99


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This is very tempting. I own M-Tron Pro (and a bunch of expansions) and Minimonsta and have dealt with Gforce from their early days and found their customer support to be exemplary.  Plus I have seen a ton of praise for this synth from Imposcar owners. For those considering it and never bought anything from Gforce, they're a really good company to deal with. I'm a fan. 

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4 hours ago, TheSteven said:

Unless your DAW can only run VST3s this is really a no brainer

For me I look at it two ways.. while my DAW can still use VST2 now, given that Steinberg has already dropped VST2 support for Mac and are dropping it for Windows, I like the most chance of being able to open projects on the next versions ahead and not having any plugins/instruments that could hold it back should I want to upgrade.

But on top of that, I think they will do a similar thing like with Minimonsta2 and provide VST3 support, but with extra features like they added polyphony with Monsta. They were good extras, although paid so it likely makes sense to pay $10 more on intro on Imposcar3 or wait for a sale, than a higher price of this plus $25+ upgrade.

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