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NeuralDSP Introducing Archetype: Tom Morello

Larry Shelby

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Tom Morello

Tom Morello’s guitar playing in Rage Against the Machine immediately positioned him as a modern guitar legend.

His innovative techniques defied the definition of what a guitar virtuoso should be. Combining guitar tones and effects with unprecedented creativity, Tom spearheaded a fusion of classic rock, punk, and hip-hop unlike anything the world had ever seen, while simultaneously writing era-defining riffs for both RATM and Audioslave.

In a 1993 live review, Melody Maker remarked “Morello wears his guitar high up to wring every sound out of it. Falling bombs, police sirens, scratching - he can do them all.” A new type of guitar hero was born.

We proudly present you Archetype: Tom Morello.

119 Euros


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This plugin, much like anything Tom Morello has signature versions of, makes no sense. His tone is just a bog standard JCM800 with either a Peavey 4x12 cabinet or a Marshall 1960 one.

Then you add a Whammy, two Boss DD-3 delays configured as short and long, a graphic eq, a Crybaby wah, Phase 90  and a Digitech Space Station;

On that note, you get two Whammy pedals which could be just one with two modes instead of the Digitech Space Station, which is a pedal you can't get anywhere and there are no plugins of afaik.

And to top that off, they even have the audacity to charge 120 bucks for this.


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48 minutes ago, kevin H said:

Sounds like you are enraged against the machine…so worked hahah

You don't even need to spend a single cent to emulate Tom Morello's tone. Plus, most of the stuff which gives him his "signature" tone are either modifications he's done to his guitars, like a killswitch or some technique and way of playing than his amp and effects.

This is no different than releasing, say, an Archetype Herman Li and include a pedal which makes Pac-Man noises.

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1 hour ago, jngnz said:

If it's so easy to sound like Tom Morello, why does nobody else sound like him?

Same reason as Dime's tone. When you select such an overboard setting for your guitar tone it immediately sounds completely derivative of the artists who broke through using those sounds. No matter what you play, it will get the comments on who you're trying to be. But that didn't really stop anyone back in the day. As someone who was playing live gigs in the early 2000's I can tell you I played with piles of original no-name bands who were out there using Morello-esque tones and doing hip-hop inspired fx leads (scratching, delays swamped into whammy and back out again, etc.) So, I suppose the answer is that Rage happened to catch on and I guess not really anyone else of note with that particular sound caught on with them.

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7 hours ago, Jim Roseberry said:

Speaking of "Rage Against The Machine", Quad Cortex owners are still waiting on the editor, better file management, etc.  ?


the amp series seems to be doing well, I wonder if these will take the form of Archetype: Preset Manager and Archetype: Patch Editor

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