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Crazy SOBs


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Thought I'd post a tune I did on my Stone Soup album. The record was a study in what Alvin Toffler described as "ad hocracy", which also describes our digital culture and online ecosystems. No single person is in charge. Leadership changes with the needs of the group, or project. In this case, each musician was her/his own producer. I sent VERY basic rhythm tracks out to my friends (22 in all, for the album), and gave them NO instructions. The guide tracks were just acoustic guitar, vocal, and a tic-tok click track. I just told them to play what they felt. These players never heard each other. They were scattered all over the world. I never heard any of their tracks, either, while I was doing my own. So, I ended up with almost 800 tracks for the 13 songs on the record. It took a while to piece everything together, but the end result was surprisingly coherent. 

This song is all about endangered species, and all critters, to be honest. Picture yourself as your favorite animal... then listen to the tune as if that critter were singing it. 

Marcel Rodeka (New Zealand).........   drums
Mark Andes (Texas)............................... bass
Rob Bird-Robinson (Calif)................... electric guitars
Jane Clark (Denmark).......................... fiddle
John Egenes (New Zealand)..............acoustic guitars, dobro  

Enjoy. And all my music is free to download from my Bandcamp site. Thanks.   --je 


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Excellent. Music: everything fits together perfectly, great production all the way around. I can only imagine the amount of work it must have taken but the results are really nice. Video: the sepia tones (i guess that's what they are as I know next to nothing about photography) deliver????

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The subject of this song and video are dear to my heart.  I can't think of a better song to deliver the message!  Everything if top notch all the way which shows that you have some very talented friends and a lot of skill and patience.  Hope to hear more from you!

Btw, there used to be a guy named Mark Andes that played bass in Spirit - coincidence? 

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Great track and a great story about how you put all this together - must have been a mission with all those tracks

But the end result really worth the effort - sounds excellent.

also a subject close to my heart - I have a small company that try's to help stop Rhino poaching here in Africa




Edited by Bajan Blue
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