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Something a little manic and disjointed


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On 6/13/2023 at 12:38 AM, Johnbee58 said:

I just had to revisit this again.  It's like I can't stop listening to this.  It's like the protagonist is singing about voices in his head in between a nightmarish maze of disturbing sight and sound.  He can no longer control himself and goes out and commits a horrific crime.  Kinda like a Hitchcock type theme.  No.  I just figured it out.  It's the hairy Wookie beast striking on a full moon. Fascinating composition, seriously.

?John B

Thanks John, I am sorry that I am not having the time to listen to all as much as I would like.

Perhaps it will resolve soon, there is just so much c r a p to deal with when one has to jump through the hoops of bureaucracy involved in ensuring another person, who is no longer capable, is being treated fairly, that financial maters are safe and not subject to any exploitation. 

There is a little something else baking but it has been a little to warm in the studio for much time, my lovely dog is still getting used to being left alone even though she could lay safely in the studio with me. She lays just outside the door. 

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16 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Thanks John, I am sorry that I am not having the time to listen to all as much as I would like.

Perhaps it will resolve soon, there is just so much c r a p to deal with when one has to jump through the hoops of bureaucracy involved in ensuring another person, who is no longer capable, is being treated fairly, that financial maters are safe and not subject to any exploitation. 

There is a little something else baking but it has been a little to warm in the studio for much time, my lovely dog is still getting used to being left alone even though she could lay safely in the studio with me. She lays just outside the door. 

I know what you mean.  I'm going through some financial trials myself right now.  Takes the fun out of life sometimes.  Hopefully will be settled soon.

?John B

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