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Time Selection - Not All Tracks Exporting

Stephen Power


Hello all and thanks in advice for any solutions to this annoying issue. Exporting a time selection of all tracks, has been hit-and-miss at best, for a while.

Today it's impossible. Only the top 4 tracks are exporting - even though all 6 seem to be selected. The bottom 2 (both BBC-SO) just won't export with the others. 

The top 4 tracks are routed to a bus for separate 'leveling'. Could this be the issue - and if so, how do I fix it?

Your advice is welcome and thank you for it.


time clip.jpg

Edited by Kerryman
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23 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

Obviously if this works, that's great, but we should then go back and work out why some stuff you think you should be exporting isn't there so you don't need to do this step.

EDIT: Just a thought - are those MIDI tracks that aren't working? Don't forget, you also need to select their synth audio tracks to get them to export as well, if they're not Simple Instrument Tracks. Just exporting the MIDI tracks does nothing without the corresponding audio tracks that are playing the instrument output.

Thanks for help. I had a look at the 'sources' and everything was checked (see below).

Actually, they are all midi tracks. I've done nothing different to the top 4, so why they should export OK is a puzzle.


Edited by Kerryman
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If all the tracks are routed to a bus and all the buses are routed to the Master bus and in your case the master bus should be routed to headphones as that is you main out source being used for export. 
Check each tracks output and then check the buses. If a bus is not going to the master that might explain why.  

Edited by John Vere
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