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NoiseWorks Releases Enshape for FREE Beta


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Enshape does not edit the dynamics of the audio signal based on a threshold value. It uses two envelope followers that both capture the envelope of the incoming signal. Each envelope has its own attack and release parameters. The gain difference between the first and second envelope will be added to your signal. When the second envelopes value is above the first one, the gain will be boosted, otherwise it will be reduced.

Enshape has a handy built-in tutorial and tooltips available to get started, and it’s available for both Windows and Mac (with M1/M2 native support) at 64-bit operating systems, with formats being VST3, AU, and AAX.

You can download the beta right now, until the full version is released, by entering your name and email, hence permitting NoiseWorks to send you newsletters about their products.

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