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Save as MIDI file Format 0 only one of many midi tracks?


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I have a song with a midi drum track and a midi melody guide track.

I needed to "export" the melody guide track so I dragged it to the desktop. I then learned that the tempo map does not come along with the midi when doing it that way and that I need to save the project as a midi file. This works in so much as the midi data and tempo map are preserved.

However, there are other midi tracks in the project such as the drums, that I don't want to hear or be present in the saved .mid file. I tried muting the drums, that didn't do the trick so I (gasp), deleted the drum midi track. Now I just have the melody guide track in the .mid file.

How do I exclude unwanted midi tracks from sounding in the saved .mid file without deleting them?

TIA!!!  ?


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Don't know how without deleting. Maube if you hide the tracks?

I would probably save the project as a copy and then delete all unnecessary tracks. Then export.

Maybe as a final try to undo the track delete?

Edited by Kurre
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If you don't overwrite the original MIDI file you can open it in Cakewalk and delete the tracks you don't want and export that with a different name.  Don't save the edited file and the original will be preserved.  Or if you want simply save it with a different name too.  Cakewalk, Sonar and Pro Audio are non destructive DAWs.

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Export as MIDI type 1

Try setting Continuous Controller 7 (track volume) to zero.

Sometimes CC7 is used during the song for transient volume changes instead of CC11 which is supposed to be for that function, so that could be a problem. If so look to see if CC11 is used anywhere, if not, set that to zero at the beginning of the track.

I think that would be what I'd try first.

If it works and you really need MIDI type 0, go ahead and save as MIDI 0 and the changes should stick.

Insights and incites by Notes

Edited by Notes_Norton
addition - afterthought
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