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Export Entire Mix does not export entire mix

Chris Boshuizen

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yeah, or you could have a couple of  separate drum busses for percussive and cymbals and parallel compression etc. then combined on the final drums buss feeding the master. either way, if you were creating a stem for someone to use, you'd likely want all the bits included in that. 

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On 5/22/2023 at 12:35 PM, msmcleod said:

Not wanting to come across as nit-picking with terminology, but the fly-out panel is just a short-cut to changing your selection without having to close the export dialog.  This can be useful when creating multiple export tasks.

In the context of the Export Audio dialog, "source" has a different meaning:

"Source Category" - is where it should grab the audio from, i.e. is it grabbing it from the track outputs, the bus outputs, or the hardware outputs.

The checked "sources" under the category are the sources within that category where the audio will export from.  You'll get a separate audio file for each source that is checked.

The selection however (which is what the fly-out panel allows you to change), is what is sent to those sources.

Thanks, this is correct. But source might be an overloaded term here.  There's sources, and routing, and output. The one you have described, I would call routing.  Additionally, if sources are to be considered "where the audio is tapped from" what tracks are selected in the arrangement should have absolutely nothing to do with that. 

Edited by Chris Boshuizen
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  • 1 year later...
On 5/10/2023 at 10:56 PM, Chris Boshuizen said:

I tried my best today, but I could NOT find a way to export a whole song without selecting Ctrl-A before opening the dialog. None of the options presented seemed to override the prior, arbitrary, track selections. 

Usually I exit the song and go back in, then mix it all down, that's the only way I can be sure.  Seems about 25% of the time I don't do that, as you say, I get one track or some-such unwanted result.

Sorry for the thread-necromancy, just wanted to comment on it.

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