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from the F1 trilogy: "Silverstone"

bats brew

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On 5/7/2023 at 8:04 AM, jack c. said:

love drums and guitar rock it out man.jack c

thanks jack c!

yea, drums are superior drummer, using 'rooms of hansa' expansion pack.

i think, the 'marble' room.

that drum track was pretty customized, editing wise.


guitars were done thru a strymon iridium, same for bass.

it's so easy recording with that thing.

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the whole idea of this song, was to capture the vibe of an actual Grand Prix race... the start, the near misses and actual crashes, the virtual safety cars, the REAL safety cars, the re-starts...

all the elements of a typical grand prix, to me, that literally walk on a razors edge.

people have been asking me for some more 'go for the throat' guitar playing, so i figure this one should fit the bill.

i didn't use my new tele on this one, but i've been real busy using it on several other ongoing projects, you might hear soon.

i used these two guitars for this one:


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22 hours ago, Old Joad said:

Great song, love the boogie?

hey joad! thanks so much for listening and commenting


you know, i love the boogie too!

but, there's no boogie on this recording...

only this:


it's been a great experiment trying to see if direct tones from a modeler would work from me, 

after 40 years on tube amps.


it does.


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On 5/11/2023 at 8:01 AM, mark skinner said:

RPMs were up and you didn't miss a gear!   Great Wah work and a terrific ending.  Enjoyed it ..     mark

hi mark!

thanks for the comments


funny how the wah just works its way in there....!



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Nice one Bat, you definitely captured the excitement of F1 racing.  

Surprised to hear this was recorded with a Strymon, sounds like the real deal.   Are you using a Wah in front of the Strymon?  Do you find it reacts like a real amp when adding other external hardware effects in front of or behind it?  Seriously impressive sounds.


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On 5/16/2023 at 12:02 PM, markno999 said:

Nice one Bat, you definitely captured the excitement of F1 racing.  

Surprised to hear this was recorded with a Strymon, sounds like the real deal.   Are you using a Wah in front of the Strymon?  Do you find it reacts like a real amp when adding other external hardware effects in front of or behind it?  Seriously impressive sounds.


hey mark!

thanks so listening, i got very little feedback on this one, 

and i worked so hard on it!!

i'm not sure why you would be surprised about this being a strymon iridium recording...

i've been using nothing but the strymon for the last 3 years!

seriously, anything you've heard of mine in the last 3 years, was done using the Iridium.

it's a wonderful machine!

my mesa boogie mark IIb head and cabs are just sitting silently, rarely do they ever even see the power button on.


my pedalboard that goes into the Iridium from my guitar:


i've got boost, and 3 levels of gain available, plus compression, univibe, and wah.

the wah is a Budda Wah, one of my most favorite out of about half dozen wah's i've owned.


i run the iridium output into a Boss DD-200 (when i want time effects) and that goes stereo into my RME Babyface Pro interface.





the feel of the Iridium is what sold me on using it.

that, and the quality of the amp models.

it feels even more immediate than micing up my boogie. i think it's got less latency than the mic distance, time thru the cables, thru the interface, into the monitoring.

it's the FEEL of the iridium that i love. it's immediate. they really nailed the front end of that pedal.

plus, it's dirt simple.

i set it up with whatever cabinet/mic combo i'm looking for (i use York Audio IR's), and i just twist the little knobs til i get what i want!


i don't even bother using the 'favorite' preset, because i change it all everytime i plug it in to do tracks.

i never use the same setting twice.


Edited by bats brew
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23 minutes ago, bats brew said:

i'm not sure why you would be surprised about this being a strymon iridium recording...

Surprised because demos I have heard  haven't sounded this good:)   In fairness many of the demos I have seen are comparing the Strymon to the new UAD Amp pedals so maybe not have been presented in the best light.    Many demos of  players pushing the Axe and Kemper stuff but haven't seen many with the Iridium I thought were in the ballpark (until now)

Seriously great sounding song and greatly appreciate your detailed response regarding your setup..   I will have to read your descriptions more carefully, last I recalled you were using your Mesa amp with a Palmer.  

Now will have to call the Sweetwater hotline to place an order.    Have been looking into hardware solution recently as I find the latency of software a pain to deal with, also sometimes you just want to plugin and play and not have to fire up computer, et. al.,,     Thx  again.


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17 minutes ago, markno999 said:


Seriously great sounding song and greatly appreciate your detailed response regarding your setup..   I will have to read your descriptions more carefully, last I recalled you were using your Mesa amp with a Palmer.  


you're right, the palmer was my original method of going direct.

i ran the mesa hot, using a weber attenuator, and the full output of the amp bypassed the weber into the palmer, the attenuator was just for my in-session monitoring.


but in 2020, i bought the iridium, and created an entire album based around the sound of the Iridium, i was stoked with it.


it's an all instrumental album, 10 tracks, called "Elemental"



i did a vid, for the one tune that had the highest gain stuff going on, that's here:


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