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Import Session Data

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As I mentioned in another thread, I would love to see a feature like Pro Tools' "Import Session Data". 

I want to import ONLY the track/buss setups from another Cakewalk project into a new one. To explain what I mean...   in Pro Tools you can choose to "Import -> Session Data". This opens a dialogue box that lets you choose a session to import from: 

  • You choose which tracks/busses you want to import.
  • It will let you import the settings AND the audio, or just the settings OR the audio.
  • It will then ask if you want to paste them onto existing tracks or create new ones.
  • So, you can assign an existing guitar track's setting to your new guitar track, or a Master Buss settings to your new Master Buss. 

I don't want to import audio at all.... just the setups. I know I can "Insert--> Track Template", but that's pretty tedious when doing a lot of tracks. Here's an example/scenario: 

  1. I have 10 songs I've recorded for an album project. They're all recorded, with no FX, Sends, or anything else... just raw tracks. 
  2. I mix the 1st song. Install plugins, create sends, pans, etc. 
  3. I start to mix the 2nd song. It already has all the tracks, and the audio, but it has no settings/pans/sends, etc, so I have to do the same thing all over again.
  4. I could import Track Templates [ONE at a time, because each is different].... so, anywhere from 10 to 25 or more tracks. 
  5. If I Insert Track Templates, I need to drag EACH audio file from its original track, onto the new Template track, then delete the original track.

You can see where this is going. Lots of painstaking track creations, copying, deleting, etc. Plus, having to do it several times (once for each song). With ten songs, I'm looking at a couple of hundred tracks. The "Import Track Data" method allows you to simply change your existing tracks by pasting a track template onto them. Once you have your first song set up, it's easy to use THAT song as the template for the rest. It also allows you to set up all your Buss Sends, and the busses themselves. It is a very handy feature. 

Thanks for considering this. 

best,  --je




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