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Neural Amp Modeler Plugin update - less CPU


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?New plugin release! Version 0.7.2?

Here's a few of the new things:
* "Normalize" switch makes models* the same loudness as each other. Demo in video!
* Performance improvements! Should drop CPU usage by 30-40%
* Bug fixes! File paths with non-ASCII characters should behave now, and the last directory used for models & IRs should track correctly on macOS now.


*Models have to be from trainer version 0.5.1 and onwards. It's already in the source code so early adopters can use it today, but I'll make a proper release and point the Colab toward it by default soon. Hang tight! 

-- the above was posted on the Facebook page from the creator - - Steve Ack

Edited by marlowg01
Credit to developer
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