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(Not a Deal) Need Advice about IKM


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We had a power failure in the middle of the SampleTank 4 MAX sound installs. Upon reboot and a new attempt to install the sounds I get a javascript error.

I'm on Windows 10 Pro. I wanted to do a full uninstall of all things IKM and then do a reinstall of Total Studio Max 4.

So I went to all of the product directories under IKM in bit 32bit and 64bit Program Files folders and performed the uninstalls.

I thought I was golden.

Not so.

Sample Tank 4 Max sound install still gets a javascript error. And, now Custom Shop never completes even after two hours of the installer being live and the progress bar keeps doing it's white cloud sweep from left to right while the green bar remains at 50%.

What a FusterCluck.


Any advice (besides dumping IKM altogether) oh sage ones?


I did a search about full uninstall and reinstall on IK's forum. The only thread I could find was for Mac.

Edited by Bapu
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sorry. never ran into that. but a quite search indicate is a common error. perhaps try this.

close PM

relaunch. change to a new file path.

save & close PM

relaunch. change back to correct path

save & close PM and re-launch.

Try again, and see how it goes.


Failing that, I think its gonna have to go to IKM tech support. They are the expert on their PM software.


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1 hour ago, Bapu said:

We had a power failure in the middle of the SampleTank 4 MAX sound installs. Upon reboot and a new attempt to install the sounds I get a javascript error.

I'm on Windows 10 Pro. I wanted to do a full uninstall of all things IKM and then do a reinstall of Total Studio Max 4.

So I went to all of the product directories under IKM in bit 32bit and 64bit Program Files folders and performed the uninstalls.

I thought I was golden.

Not so.

Sample Tank 4 Max sound install still gets a javascript error. And, now Custom Shop never completes even after two hours of the installer being live and the progress bar keeps doing it's white cloud sweep from left to right while the green bar remains at 50%.

What a FusterCluck.


Any advice (besides dumping IKM altogether) oh sage ones?


I did a search about full uninstall and reinstall on IK's forum. The only thread I could find was for Mac.

TLDR version....




Not installed.

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1 hour ago, Bapu said:

Any advice

The error suggests it’s trying to use a corrupted file. Losing power during a write operation could have caused that. In no particular order, I would suggest:

  • Change the download folder (though it looks like you’ve already given that a go).
  • Go to the download folder and delete (or move) everything in it including any hidden files. I probably wouldn't remove any system files, though there shouldn’t be any in there.
  • Turn on Windows Sandbox. It’s a Windows Feature that you can turn on and off, designed for running ‘risky’ software. Running it will give you a pristine Windows environment and closing it will discard everything. Install and run IK PM in there to do your downloads, and copy the zip files out before closing it down.
  • Uninstall/reinstall the IK PM.
  • Contact IK support.
  • Ask if Peter has any ideas.
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19 minutes ago, antler said:

The error suggests it’s trying to use a corrupted file. Losing power during a write operation could have caused that. In no particular order, I would suggest:

  • Change the download folder (though it looks like you’ve already given that a go).
  • Go to the download folder and delete (or move) everything in it including any hidden files. I probably wouldn't remove any system files, though there shouldn’t be any in there.
  • Turn on Windows Sandbox. It’s a Windows Feature that you can turn on and off, designed for running ‘risky’ software. Running it will give you a pristine Windows environment and closing it will discard everything. Install and run IK PM in there to do your downloads, and copy the zip files out before closing it down.
  • Uninstall/reinstall the IK PM.
  • Contact IK support.
  • Ask if Peter has any ideas.

Yup, already have done first two steps, multiple times, tried three different drives (NAS, Samples drive and Projects drive) each time making sure the download folders I select in IK PM was abso empty.

Moving on to steps 3 - 6.

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1 hour ago, Bapu said:

Yup, already have done first two steps, multiple times, tried three different drives (NAS, Samples drive and Projects drive) each time making sure the download folders I select in IK PM was abso empty.

Moving on to steps 3 - 6.

Good luck. Let us know if you manage to fix it; it might be helpful if we ever get into the same situation.

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Maybe try unzipping all your installation files manually to see if it's possible that one of the files has been downloaded, but is corrupted.

The Product Manager wasn't smart enough in th past to validate all files, by doing a simple checksum on them automatically first and it would simply download and then install an incomplete set... I doubt that's changed, but it is possible it's now checking I guess.

I found this out the hard way and given IKs stingy download policy, anything that I download and want to keep from them, I do a test extraction before filing away.

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1 hour ago, JT music said:

The same thing happened to me, a real problem especially when the download expires (ridiculous IKM commercial policy) but very quickly I found a definitive solution, not to buy more IKM products, HOLY REMEDY! ?

What I noticed today is all my Modo drum packs require an update. But the sounds expired long time ago. So I have no idea what the update is. ?

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I had the same thing happen this weekend.  I read some suggestions on the web, nothing worked so I manually downloaded the files from IK's website and installed some of them, archived others seeing as Total Studio takes up a lot of room.  When letting the product manager do an installation automatically it would install to C drive, public documents (Windows O/S) whereas my IK installations are primarily on a different drive so I was wondering if that was the culprit.  I suspect the Java error may not actually be a Java issue.

My hard drives aren't that old and given the number of people that have had the Java error I do not suspect a drive issue to be the cause.  More likely some shitty installer design on IK's part as it's always seemed to me that their approach to things was... not as good as one would hope for.  Native Access, for example, at least detects manual installations when refreshed or if you close/open it after a manual installation, not so for IK.  I was able to finish installing Sampletank 4 but the product manager still indicates a number of files to yet be downloaded and has no idea that it's fully installed.  Hopefully that won't be an issue somewhere down the road.  I refuse to install to its C drive default location as I make backups of C drive in case it crashes and don't need ridiculously sized restore files to also back up.


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15 hours ago, Bapu said:

Yup, already have done first two steps, multiple times, tried three different drives (NAS, Samples drive and Projects drive) each time making sure the download folders I select in IK PM was abso empty.

Moving on to steps 3 - 6.

Bapu, the only IK libraries I have installed on my main computer are the Miroslav Philarmonic. I don't know if that's the case but I suppose the installers for the sound libraries are similar.

I would try to uninstall the IK Product Manager and delete the contents of the IK Product Manager folder in

C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\IK Product Manager

That's the default path on my machine. According to this site (https://tinyurl.com/sk3nz5w9)

“Roaming” is a sub folder of “AppData”. Into that folder might be placed things like default templates, configuration files, and other support data that applications might use

Maybe the corrupted file is being kept there and cannot be overwritten.

Sorry if what I'm talking is super obvious to you. It happens that I already had problems with leftovers from other programs that I had to wipe out to be able to redo a clean installation.

I hope this helps.

Edith reminded me that the AppData folder is normally hidden.


Edited by Sergio
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