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Is there an "Exclude module", the opposite of "Loop module", to JUMP OVER a portion of the play?


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I've searched the net but could not find this feature. Maybe there is one but I have no idea what it is called.

So, the feature I'm looking for is to EXCLUDE a portion of the project, during play, so Cakewalk automatically jumps over a selected time.

Is there such a feature? I want to be able to listen to the track with a certain selected portion excluded from the play :)

Edited by pulsewalk
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Hi pulsewalk,

There is no such module I am aware of.  However, you may be able to use the Arranger to create the same.  I don't use the Arranger myself, but hopefully someone can enlighten us on its use in this regards, if it is possible.

Kind regards,


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  On 3/28/2023 at 1:49 PM, tecknot said:

There is no such module I am aware of.  However, you may be able to use the Arranger to create the same.  I don't use the Arranger myself, but hopefully someone can enlighten us on its use in this regards, if it is possible.



  On 3/28/2023 at 2:33 PM, John Vere said:

Yes this is what the arranger does. Create your sections in your case it would be only 3. Now drag the 1st to the arranger at the bottom and then the 3rd. Click the playback and just those 2 parts play You can also export that version 



I just want to use it for quick checks to hear how the project sounds without a certain part of it. So it's something I want to do very quickly, like listening to a loop, without the need for "extensive" "editing" etc.
Maybe there's markers you could set to make the play cursor to jump forward in time?

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I don’t understand why you would not use the arranger? That is exactly why they added it a few year ago it allows you to listen to different arrangements of your song. I’m guilty of never even reading the instructions yet but it seems intuitive how it works.  
And it’s none destructive to the song  you can delete the whole thing if you’re finished with experiments. 
It basically an extra track that can control the timeline of the project.  
Its brilliant for re arranging backing tracks using a download midi file when you want to make it longer by adding extra parts  . 
I also used it once to place the lyrics in the song . You need the correct zoom level but it works great . 


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  On 3/28/2023 at 5:07 PM, John Vere said:

I don’t understand why you would not use the arranger? That is exactly why they added it a few year ago it allows you to listen to different arrangements of your song. I’m guilty of never even reading the instructions yet but it seems intuitive how it works.  
And it’s none destructive to the song  you can delete the whole thing if you’re finished with experiments. 
It basically an extra track that can control the timeline of the project.  
Its brilliant for re arranging backing tracks using a download midi file when you want to make it longer by adding extra parts  . 
I also used it once to place the lyrics in the song . You need the correct zoom level but it works great . 



Oh, don't get me wrong. It's not that I "don't want to use" the arranger. I just would like to be able to very quickly do what I explained, to skip a certain portion of the track when playing.

This could be achieved with 2 simple clicks, exactly like setting a loop.

Click 1: Click and hold down left mouse button on the time ruler, drag it where you want, release the mouse button. OR select a clip/several clips that you want to loop.

Click 2: Press the loop button with one click.

= 2 clicks :)

The exact same way, one could (should? :D) have been able to  exclude  a portion of the track. Just select the time you want to exclude and click the "Exclude" button OR select a clip which you want to exclude, in order to select the same time span.

Can the same thing be done with 2 clicks in the arranger? I'm not very familiar with arranger track, but I know it takes a little time to setup. For sure, when its already done, it might be quickly worked.

When I have sections set up in the arranger, how can I "jump over" one section? I can't find a function like that.

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The arranger is unworkable on heavy projects. The jumping it does is horrible. It pauses and glitches and what not.

Looping works perfectly even on my huge projects but arranger track does not. Not only that, just working with it f*cked up my track for no obvious reason. For sure, the project is already corrupted to sh*t, probably beyond repair, but markers has not corrupted anything for me before.. not yet anyway.

So a solution with markers seems to be a better way to do this.

"Inverted" loop-markers would be really good, but there doesn't seem to be any. I think I will do a feature request on "excluding" parts of the track, the opposite to loop.

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  On 3/28/2023 at 9:43 PM, pulsewalk said:

The arranger is unworkable on heavy projects. The jumping it does is horrible. It pauses and glitches and what not.

Looping works perfectly even on my huge projects but arranger track does not. Not only that, just working with it f*cked up my track for no obvious reason. For sure, the project is already corrupted to sh*t, probably beyond repair, but markers has not corrupted anything for me before.. not yet anyway.

So a solution with markers seems to be a better way to do this.

"Inverted" loop-markers would be really good, but there doesn't seem to be any. I think I will do a feature request on "excluding" parts of the track, the opposite to loop.


Given that the arranger section seeking uses exactly the same mechanism as looping,  I can't see having an inverted loop would help if you're having issues with the arranger.

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  On 3/29/2023 at 7:36 AM, msmcleod said:

Given that the arranger section seeking uses exactly the same mechanism as looping,  I can't see having an inverted loop would help if you're having issues with the arranger.


But how come I can loop perfectly without delay and glitches? While the arranger track gives a delay when "jumping" and glitches and stuff? It's the same heavy project.

A loop is also jumping essentially, from the back to the beginning, every time it loops. And it does it perfectly.

If I could just take the loop markers, drag the end marker to the "beginning" and the start marker to the "end" then it would be the same thing as excluding that part. It would jump. But it seems this is not possible. Hence a feature request of this by me :)

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