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Spitfire Audio guru needed. How do I…


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… work with Spitfire’s symphonic motions, which I bought some months ago because it mentioned easy to use “performances.“ I thought I could use it to complement some basic orchestral arrangements  I created. Give them some life.  In my excitement, I probably got in over my head with this because it simply sounds like chaos when I try to use it in a project. As if it’s not syncing to my BPM. And if it is, it sounds like a cacophonous  train wreck, even the presets, which I thought would be a good place to start. 

I’ve gotten everything I can get out of the manual and have seen a couple of vid tutorials, to no avail,  so I was wondering if someone familiar with it could point me to additional resources to try and figure out what I’m doing wrong. It doesn’t seem to sync in with anything I’m doing. I think it’s probably amazingly powerful in what it can do, but right now it just sounds amazingly awful for me.?

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