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Helix Native Control Mapping Issues

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I am using Helix Native 3.5.2 (HelixN) in Cbl.  I have been using it as a basic player for a while; but, I decided to improve my set up and that's where the fun began.  I have an old Line 6 FBV Express Mkii (FBV) midi control pedal available so I have been learning in the school of hard knocks about setting it up.  I set it up as a Midi Device.  Then as a an Control Surface (ACT Midi Controller).  All good.  I have struggled  with the Midi Learn functions of the ACT Midi Controller (ACT) and those in HelixN.  The very first issue I had to discover the hard way was that the HelixN has a menu option on the VS3 menu that reads "ENABLE MIDI INPUT".  It took me a lot of effort to find that one.  So, I added a midi track and enabled the input.  Wow, it's working.  The problem now is I can't get the previous incorrect midi assignments to go away and they seem to be block the new assignments I'm trying to make.  I really need to know how to wipe the old mappings and start with a clean slate now that I've gotten the midi configuration working.  Not sure what to try now.  Have created a new project. Have reinstalled HelixN.  Nothing changes.  Anybody, know how to wipe the bad mappings in ACT or HelixN or both?  I would appreciate any experience you might have with something similar.


No one ever responded to the above post; but, I did figure out the problem I was having.  As it turns out you do not need to use a Control Surface to send midi to HelixN.  I found that adding midi track does the trick.  The track's input will be the the Midi controller (which does need to be added as a midi device) and the output will be to HelixN (the vst).  IMPORTANT: There is a setting that must be changed in the VST Menu of the Helix app to Enable Midi Input.  Works like a charm!




Edited by marty mccraw
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  • 7 months later...

Hi, marty, don't know if you're still around, but here it goes:

I just started got the FBV Express mkii to set it up so I can use it with Native, mainly to use the expression pedal as volume/wah.

My issue is that I can set up the expression toggle to get a Wah Bypass on or off. But I want it to use CC 11 to control the wah's Position, but Native's setting only allow me to use Knobs - don't know what that is...

Are you using the expression pedal? Can I ask you for some pointers on how to set it up?

Thanks in advance! 


UPDATE- Got it working! Thanks!




Edited by Guilherme Franco
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