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no sound after regional fx render in melodyne

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Always work with a copy of the track. Always work with short clips around 4 to 8 measures. 
 Rendering is destructive and it is possible for things to go wrong. Second you might not like the results so it’s easy to re copy that clip and start over. 
Did you try Undo-render?  

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1 hour ago, charles kasler said:

I forgot about undo but i didn't save the project so I'll try again. Thanks John.


Actually once you save and close the project undo is not available.  So it's good you didn't close it. Or? 

If what you are saying is you closed it without saving then that is also fine because any work would be lost and the clip should not have the regional effects applied when you re open the project again. 

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I break my vocals into the lines of the lyrics.  Each song is different but that doesn't make it any more work to open a lot of clips. I zoom in so I don't like too many note blobs on my screen.  I have just come up with a huge timesaver,  Custom Short cuts keys. I had never used these 2 before and they are really easy to reach. Just put the clip in focus before using the keys. 

 Z= open regional effect Melodyne 

 X = Render regional effect.  

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you;     clip 1 
Remember I'll always be true.                                                               clip 2
And then while I'm away,  I'll write home ev'ry day,                  clip 3
And I'll send all my loving to you.                                                          clip 4

Edited by John Vere
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I had a weird one today. I was revisiting an older project and noticed the harmonies were a bit out of key as well as timing issues. I was soloing the track as I fixed stuff in Melodyne but it all of a sudden sounded weird?? Turned out the track had some lanes and two were playing at same time. So I was fixing lane 1 and then lane 2 became noticeable! I hate lanes for this very reason and stopped using them a few years ago so was surprised to have them rear their ugly head again. 

Edited by John Vere
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Update, this is driving me nuts! Okay sorry, I've retested and still get the same result, no sound. I've tried just a short portion of the clip and I can't get anything to even register in region effects. It's likely to be user error and sooner or later I will get it. I've never been comfortable with region effects though, I used to have melodyne Uno and just imported and exported my tracks and it worked fine. It also may have to do with my lack of understanding of exclusive solo. I've always found that a little confusing, I click solo plus exclusive solo, select the track and get no sound. There's some part of that I just don't get. Thanks for further advice and sorry for the rant.

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try just soloing the track you're working on. skip exclusive solo as depending on where it's applied can lead to some strange routing resulting no sound ? 

also - have a process for yourself. when i use a region fx, i follow these steps fairly rigorously, first make a copy of the track, then for melodyne = one - create region fx, two - solo the track and do my edits, three - render fx or if i'm not happy, revert. and using small segments like what you're doing is good.

one trick i picked up - using the piano or rhythm along with whatever i'm tweaking. with the studio version, the other track acts like the "chord track" for the other ones.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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Update... I copied the vocal clip to a new track, and was successful with region effects. All I can think of is that the original track was somehow corrupted. It's not unusual for me to find sends in old projects that no longer work. I have no idea why except for the same reason of the track being corrupted, whatever that means. Usually the fix is just to delete and create a new send. I admit there can be user error, it's really been a handful for me to go from sonar producer to the present CbB, as it continually evolves. I do like what we have now and it's not nearly as buggy as a recent posters experience, it's just frustrating for me to go from fairly fluent in sonar to somewhat incompetent in cbb. I will get it eventually. Thank you all for your suggestions and patience!

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