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Larry T.

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20 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Larry, to my mind the drums stood out a bit too much at the beginning.
I didn't think the bass was all that distorted, but the level could be turned down.
The note bending strings around 1:25 is really cool. I think you could develop that section more.
I agree with RikF - more harmonica!
Seems like my mood always improves after listening to your songs!

Thanks Bjorn. Appreciate the listen and observations. The bending notes are actually midi's from my Arturia minilab mk2 running one of their Analog Lab V synth VST's and using the finger triggered pitch bend pad to create bends in the song. Wow! Thanks for such a kind compliment about listening to my compositions, that's one of the main reasons I do them. This song does have an interesting note (pun intended, lol!) to it. Out of a clear blue sky I decided to tune my acoustic guitar to an Am chord (E, A, E, A, C, E from 6th to 1st) and explore. After finding and deciding on which chords might sound good I approached it like a puzzle. Cheers! ????

Edited by Larry T.
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