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Creating Ui........ KNOWN PROBLEM?



Hi guys, anyone know if this is a known problem to easy fix?  Please don't guess with telling me to reinstall or a audio driver issue or install NASA mainframe, unless you know what the issues is with all due respect i don't want to be wasting everyone's time with guessing. 


When i am opening a new project it either hangs on Creating Ui........ which is the last stage of opening project or just disappears so i have to open project a second time.  HOWEVER, the second time i open the project, it always works without fail and then the system runs very well, maybe very rare dropout or crash which is not related to this problem but normally me running a million plugins and tracks/buses. 

I run windows 11 which runs better than win 10 on my system, faster anyway.  My system is a beast, its not the CPU or 32gb ram or my ADATA TB drives and fully up to date.

It could be something to do with a shortcut filing somewhere and finds it on the next load? The only difference since it started is a CW update, not sure if that caused it or maybe 1 of the 3 plugins i installed in that time or my Novation controller but i would suspect a bug somewhere. Its all happened within the last month or two and because mums been in hospital and ive not been using CW much I'm a bit unclear when it started because my head been stressed with mum hospital etc.   Before i start going looking into this myself  i was just wanted to know if anyone actually knew what it was so i am not wasting hrs myself or anyone's time 

kind regards 


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3 answers to this question

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My experience is that it will be a misbehaving plug in. 
Easy to test if you are only using a few 3rd party plug ins. Remove or swap starting with each  until the issue is resolved. And once you find the culprit best to let both Cakewalk and the developers know about the issue. 

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30 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

Yep, I agree with this - start with the plugins first. The first load could be taking a while because of that, and the next could be disc caching. Instruments with a lot of samples, or plugins that expose a lot of parameters are huge culprits for this.

The other thing could be waiting for a device (control surface, etc.) to initialise.

But start with your plugins. Pair them down until you get a consistently fast load (obviously don't save over your original project!) and, if that does turn out to be the problem, let us know which one so we can determine where the problem is - in the instrument/plugin itself, or how CbB is communicating with it. It may well be some kind of bug in CbB, but we need to work out where the issue is happening first.


55 minutes ago, John Vere said:

My experience is that it will be a misbehaving plug in. 
Easy to test if you are only using a few 3rd party plug ins. Remove or swap starting with each  until the issue is resolved. And once you find the culprit best to let both Cakewalk and the developers know about the issue. 

I have my own 50 track template with 12 buses and patch's. All my tracks and buses also have pro channel templates with plugins.  I best check the latest plugin updates and the latest installed plugins within the time it started (last couple of months). Last thing i want to be doing is starting a new project template. One guy had same problem and he can't remember how he fixed it, sods law

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FOUND THE ANNOY ING F**K !!!! ? Sorry for the language but its been a thorn in my *****

So i had a "reference track" in my project template which i also use in the mastering template! After deleting all the common plugins  in my project template and mastering template, still no change hmmmm

So, i opened a new project and had no issues.

So to make sure, i open couple of old projects and still no issues.

So hmmm the only different was my latest project and latest mastering project, what was different ha ha harrrrrr "reference track" i was using for  mixing and mastering.

The strangest issue ever! The reference track must have been 44khz but properties wouldn't tell me if it was 44khz and it had some sort of bug because it kept forcing my projects to 44Khz,  my UMC Control Panel  whats defaults at 48Khz and my project templates at 48Khz would switch to 44khz on first opening the project and crash or hang. I could hear the click in headphones and opened windows setting and then could see the switch in real time on sound properties switching.  Then on 2nd open i notice the project be only working at 44khz and windows sound properties be on 44Khz.  

Delete refence track and fixed! So for whatever reason  the "reference track" had a issue when i dragged and dropped it in given i did not add the track. 



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