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Sonitus Missing


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6 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

The point I was getting at was, aside from the DX vs VST thing is that components are going to need to be registered along the line, regardless if it's it plugin or not. If this is failing, for whatever reason, there's nothing stopping something else that's crucial not getting properly registered in an instrument, or part of an application or anything that will make it eventually break.

This stuff should just simply install, like it does for pretty much everyone else on the forum. That fact that it doesn't is a real red flag to me.

What can cause issues is installing older software that forces an install of earlier versions of the Visual C++ runtime libraries.  It amazes me that some software vendors are still releasing software and distributing VC++ runtimes as far back as 2013.  Installing these earlier versions can upset more recent versions.

The first thing I do whenever I get an mfc related error that I wasn't getting before is re-install the latest VC++ runtimes.  9/10 this fixes the issue.

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10 hours ago, Sal Sorice said:

Baktrak, a few things come to mind. When you did the clean install (as administrator), did you have any devices attached (Scarlett, etc.)? If so I'd try install with only keyboard/mouse attached.

If still failing it's highly unlikely, but possible, that you have a faulty memory stick. I only say this because it happened to me. Can't remember the exact error I was getting but I ended up running a full memory diagnostic (not the Windows one - I used Memtest86 - free version, which boots from USB). Ended having to warranty replace a memory module.

Another possibility:


I agree with what msmcleod says below - and I mentioned above - it may very well be the VC++ runtimes causing the issue:

The faulty memory module is a (remote) possibility, but worth checking if the VC++ fix does not work.

31 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

What can cause issues is installing older software that forces an install of earlier versions of the Visual C++ runtime libraries.  It amazes me that some software vendors are still releasing software and distributing VC++ runtimes as far back as 2013.  Installing these earlier versions can upset more recent versions.

The first thing I do whenever I get an mfc related error that I wasn't getting before is re-install the latest VC++ runtimes.  9/10 this fixes the issue.


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Thanks msmcleod and KellsBells2400

Good work  :)

Your suggested action has done the trick.

Not only has the Sonitus suite reactivated in CbB  but several other plugins which were giving me grief ( including XPand) and  are now toeing the line. Pro Channel was also missing and has now returned. Those erratically behaving plugins (now fixed) were the reason I resorted to the initial clean reinstall.

I only know enough computer language to be dangerous but this now appears to be an issue cased by Microsoft updates.

Some vital piece of computer programming was missing/purposely removed .....Is that correct?

If so, is it likely other CbB users might also start being affected.
This solution link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170  will be very handy now I imagine.

Big thanks to everyone for your contributions to this issue.


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There we go, the Smarter Person than Me came along and we all learned something. :) This forum is pretty great!

But yeah, this was as I suspected in that it would be affecting things more than just the Sonitus stuff, and it's killer that it's all been sorted. Great outcome!

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yeah, the first thing i do after a new update in CW or any major OS related bits - re-run the redistributables ? i've found this means i'm skipping all the troubleshooting to solve weird agonizing mysterious issues, but i just don't have time for it ? 

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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This is a thread that indeed may prove as something that needs to be added to the setup instructions/info for users combining their older SPLAT components with the current Cakewalk suite going forwards. The install order, and versions of the MS VC++ redistributables is a known and constantly changing struggle with PCs. -Seeing that both BAKTRAK and KellsBells2400 seem to have had this happen at nearly the same time is troubling.

The recent MS Win Updates cycle ended almost a month ago (2ond Tues. of each month), so maybe these things are already happening and haven't been affecting too many users, but if it's a variety of audio software users getting affected, likely more of this will show up here. Good to have the links also to documentation & installers for the fix, -I know I will keep this thread handy for the next time I do a migration or re-install of my Sonar/CbB setup! -Thanks All!!

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I don't believe that the MS VC++ redistributables are generally issued during monthly MS Windows update cycles.

More likely a 3rd party installer is responsible. From a developer's perspective, the point of a redistributable is to make sure that the client has the MS VC++runtime components installed to support the application that the developer is installing on your machine (to satisfy dependencies).

IMO it would be best if MS was the only one installing these things, but it is what it is.  https://helpdeskgeek.com/help-desk/what-is-microsoft-visual-c-redistributable-do-you-need-so-many/

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one of the problems with the redistributables - there are variations in the top-level version in some of them depending on a patch level and any API choices the developer made...  so, yes mostly 3rd parties but MS lately has been doing a lot of updates on Edge and Defender, and some OS stuff (both W10 and W11 - which i'm on now) and so i find spending the extra 10 minutes to re-run them just ensure that the ones i need are there... i'm much less concerned about some VR in Edge support for occulus products than i am my CW and Sketchup program... ? 

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8 minutes ago, abacab said:

More likely a 3rd party installer is responsible

Yes, I would agree that is most likely too. -In fact, in my experience anyway, installers that force an installation of MS VC++ (to ensure that the required libraries are going to exist to match the software being installed) seem to somehow vary in their results, maybe it's a command line option they use? -Most of the time, there are no such ill effects when an older version is installed, but sometimes stuff like the things described in this thread happen. MS VC++ version issues occur, and are hard to pinpoint.

I am not qualified to know enough about the exact programming, so I will stop there, but I will say that I have experienced this many times over the years, and I have set up a text log on my DAW systems over the years, and when I see the "installing MS VC++..." flash by on any driver or major component install, I make sure to log it, as that has come in very handy. -Repatching to the current library version is usually the fix if problems happen right after that, -for me anyway.

I have had similar issues with dot net updates, which happen constantly with the monthly Windows Update cycle, but none I can recall caused problems with my DAW or audio drivers, -so far anyway! -True though, MS VC++ is usually only brought in by a 3rd party install, although compatibility with various Windows major versions & such always brings up additional issues wrinkles!  -Now, I already have too many wrinkles, so again, I'd better stop here.

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Great info everyone! I was going nuts trying to remember when something very similar happened to me. Finally found it - here is my post - and the great answers - love this community! Probably worth a read.


Mine ended up being caused by Focusrite as well, so I bet there are lots of folks out there that get stung by this, as Focusrite is pretty popular.  Maybe a pinned forum document with details about what to look for and how to do the VC++ fix would be worth posting.

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