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[Not A Deal] Melodyne 5.3.1 Update Available


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New in Version 5.3.1

The update to Version 5.3.1 contains improvements and bug fixes, which is why we recommend it to all users.

  • Pro Tools with ARA: When repeated use was made of the Undo function in Melodyne, under very special circumstances Pro Tools could crash.
  • ARA and plug-in: Under certain circumstances, not every note was included in local playback.
  • ARA: When creating a new project, the DAW under certain circumstances displayed an error message even though the new project was error-free.
  • ARA: When you switched back to Edit Mode from Note Assignment Mode, it could happen that the display scrolled all the way to the top instead of returning to the previous vertical position.
  • Studio One: When Studio One was launched, a crash sometimes occurred while the Melodyne plug-in was being scanned.
  • Digital Performer: Under rare circumstances, moving blobs could lead to a crash.
  • Samplitude: In Melodyne 5.3, it sometimes happened that the ARA files of older projects were muted during playback.
  • Stand-alone implementation: In Note Assignment Mode, execution of the “Convert Selection to Connected Sequence” function sometimes led to a crash.
  • Stand-alone and ARA: On very high-resolution screens under macOS Monterey, crashes could occur in Full Screen Mode.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: The assignments for Track Mode and Clip Mode were erroneously listed under “Editing Tools” instead of “View Configuration”, as they are now.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: The Fade Tool and Sibilant Balance Tool now appear directly beneath the Amplitude Tool, which corresponds to the layout in the toolbox.
  • Note Assignment Mode: Under certain circumstances when you were editing in Note Assignment Mode, individual notes were not played back.
  • Time Handles: When undoing an edit made with the Time Handle Tool, it sometimes happened that the sound of the note in question remained unchanged.
  • ARA: When the Universal algorithm was used, a display error (gaps between the blobs) sometimes occurred when blobs were being edited.

To download the update, run the Update Check in the Melodyne Preferences, or log into your Celemony user account and download the installer from there.

Edited by HIBI
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Again, they did not get that their exotic scrolling and zooming is a huge problem, if Melodyne is used in a DAW! ?

I am waiting that they will give the possibility to define scrolling/zooming with scroll wheel (with shift/alt/ctrl), so that the user does not have to switch the scrolling behavior all the time between the DAW and MD!

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24 minutes ago, marled said:

Again, they did not get that their exotic scrolling and zooming is a huge problem, if Melodyne is used in a DAW! ?

I am waiting that they will give the possibility to define scrolling/zooming with scroll wheel (with shift/alt/ctrl), so that the user does not have to switch the scrolling behavior all the time between the DAW and MD!

It does get a bit wonky switching back and forth from the DAW.


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Scrolling is not the only hideous issue in Melodyne!

Another problem in vocal clips is that if Melodyne does not find the correct beginning of a syllable as performed by the singer (also not in the detection mode when you show all possible note starts = slider to the right), then often you have no chance to find it in a reasonable way within their ridiculous blobs (for changing the note start)! The only possibility that I have found, is to search the start in the waveform in the DAW (that works perfect in CbB with full zoom), set the now time exactly there and then jump back to Melodyne. What imposition!

It's a shame, cos generally Melodyne is a very useful, almost irreplaceable tool IMO!

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On 2/15/2023 at 7:39 PM, John Bradley said:

Melodyne is the Secret Sauce that turns my tracks into something I'd be willing to play for other people!


On 2/15/2023 at 4:23 PM, marled said:

... Melodyne is a very useful, almost irreplaceable tool IMO!

After upgrading to version 5 I thought I'd use Melodyne frequently but to date have used it only a few times.  While it does a good job of correcting pitch, timing, and amplitude excursions, I find it's much faster and easier to use Cubase's native VariAudio and AudioWarp to fix the first two issues and plugins (compressors, limiters, and volume levelers) to correct the third.

I also thought it might be useful to generate MIDI data from audio files, but the result required so much work that it was just easier to play the part into a VI and create the MIDI data that way.

So, I'm curious as to what others are doing with Melodyne, and why they find it so useful.

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31 minutes ago, locrian said:


After upgrading to version 5 I thought I'd use Melodyne frequently but to date have used it only a few times.  While it does a good job of correcting pitch, timing, and amplitude excursions, I find it's much faster and easier to use Cubase's native VariAudio and AudioWarp to fix the first two issues and plugins (compressors, limiters, and volume levelers) to correct the third.

I also thought it might be useful to generate MIDI data from audio files, but the result required so much work that it was just easier to play the part into a VI and create the MIDI data that way.

So, I'm curious as to what others are doing with Melodyne, and why they find it so useful.

It is the best sibilance reduction/removal tool I've found.   Granted, it is horrifically expensive for that function.

Edited by Brian Walton
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35 minutes ago, locrian said:


After upgrading to version 5 I thought I'd use Melodyne frequently but to date have used it only a few times.  While it does a good job of correcting pitch, timing, and amplitude excursions, I find it's much faster and easier to use Cubase's native VariAudio and AudioWarp to fix the first two issues and plugins (compressors, limiters, and volume levelers) to correct the third.

I also thought it might be useful to generate MIDI data from audio files, but the result required so much work that it was just easier to play the part into a VI and create the MIDI data that way.

So, I'm curious as to what others are doing with Melodyne, and why they find it so useful.

In the past I was using Melodyne quite a lot for vocals, fixing pitch and timing issues. Today I only use it sparly for pitch corrections. Why?

Regarding pitch there is a real issue in Melodyne, because it only uses the center pitch (average) of a note as orientation. This is okay for a lot of instruments, but not for vocals and lead guitars that have a lot of pitch drift! Sometimes it sounds definitly wrong if you trust Melodyne! That means if you correct the pitch that way, then you have to flatten the pitch drift that it sounds correct. The result is a lifeless performance. Thus I only make pitch changes by ear and by pitch curves ignoring the blobs' center pitch value!

For timing issues I use almost only CbB's Audio Snap these days. Though I do a lot of manual transient detection/correction in vocal clips! Cakewalk has a very good zoom display of the wave form that reveals the possible syllable/transient starts. This is also great for aligning 2nd or choir vocals. Furthermore there is the Radius Solo Vocal algorithm available in CbB and this one is quite superior over Elastique Pro that is used of most software today. Just compare the same clip bounced with both algorithms completely zoomed in and compare it with the original and you will see!

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