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Eagle Fly Free


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Hey everyone!
This is my newest cover song with my friends.

Jim Ramses my good friend and bassist invited me to sing Helloween's classic ''Eagle Fly Free'' on his newest video! Which was a lot of fun to do!
Thank you for watching!

Mixed and Mastered at Haunting Studios by Nikos Palivos

Vocals recorded @ManoSoundStudios Video by John Manopoulos



Edited by Ron_Pko
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You've got a great voice! And the heavy chops surrounding it are killer!

I couldn't help but notice your video had copious areas of black background all the time, and I thought maybe a fertile field for chromakeying other visuals supportive of the song's concepts. ?

Heavy ain't my go to for a listen, and I still found that well sung, well mixed, well done!



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6 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

You've got a great voice! And the heavy chops surrounding it are killer!

I couldn't help but notice your video had copious areas of black background all the time, and I thought maybe a fertile field for chromakeying other visuals supportive of the song's concepts. ?

Heavy ain't my go to for a listen, and I still found that well sung, well mixed, well done!



Hey Tom, thank you for watching and commenting! much appreciated. 
As for the video, I can't tell much about the process, because I only sang on this one. ?  

You can see my mixes and videos that I produced here https://www.youtube.com/@RonniePenko

And Jim's team mixes and video productions here https://www.youtube.com/@jimramses7046



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8 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

Nice work :) We've covered a few Helloween songs over the years and I can definitely say that it's not an easy thing to do - Kiske was insane back in his prime (still great now), and Ingo's drumming was nuts.

Thank you Lord Tim! And yes, I think Kiske still sounds very good! ?

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On 2/11/2023 at 1:34 PM, PhonoBrainer said:

You've got a great voice! And the heavy chops surrounding it are killer!

I couldn't help but notice your video had copious areas of black background all the time, and I thought maybe a fertile field for chromakeying other visuals supportive of the song's concepts. ?

Heavy ain't my go to for a listen, and I still found that well sung, well mixed, well done!



By the way Tom. I kinda misunderstood your question before, and I think I didn't give you a proper answer. I apologise. 

Yes , the black background helps for sure to add certain elements. Specially effects like lights, smoke, fire and such stuff if I wanted to. But not as good as green screen for sure. But I stopped with green screens because green screen can be a pain to work with when it comes to long hair haha

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On 2/15/2023 at 10:15 AM, Lord Tim said:

VFX guy here as one of my other day jobs, and I feel your pain :/  Light coloured hair in front of a green screen is pretty bad, but you know what's worse? Cymbals and drum hardware.  I have PTSD from one of our clips where I had to roto out all of the drums to stop them from disappearing into the matte. ?☠️

haha yeah ! Cymbals! because the green reflects on them. Nightmare indeed! Blue is a bit better though for light hair. 
And which program do you use for green screen? 

Edited by Ron_Pko
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On 2/19/2023 at 8:27 PM, Grem said:

Never was a big fan of Helloween, but that rocked!! Great solo by the bassist! Drummer was really good too.

Your vocals were great. I like that type of singing and you were nailing it!!

An enjoyable watch.

thank you so much Grem! 

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