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How to get my older projects to play?


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Hello everyone and thanks for reading this. My question is, what do I have to do to bring up all my old songs up in Sonar x3 Professional? Yes, I know its old but still working fine other than this issue.

What happens: When I go to click on an older song from years ago, the song never comes up,  as though it searches for it endlessly although I can clearly see the song sitting there where all of the other "working" songs are located.

I would love to re-do many of these songs but I can't seem to access them in order to hear how awful they were from maybe 10 years ago.

There are no error messages or other. Just a spinning circle--forever, I guess. I have waited for maybe 20 minutes before but, as I say, it never brings up the project.

Does anyone know what I need to do? Surely, these songs aren't gone forever...are they?

Thanks, and please let me know if more information is needed in order to solve this mystery!


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Try opening the project in Safe Mode (hold SHIFT while loading). If the project opens in safe mode, that would confirm that the problem is with a plugin. If it still doesn't open, then it's likely you have a corrupt file, in which case the only way forward is to reconstruct the project file by file.

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^^ good advice. Sometimes you'll find older projects crash and burn due to odd window layouts, so opening in Safe Mode (even without bypassing any plugins) will allow them to load properly.

I'd also strongly suggest grabbing Cakewalk though - you can load that in side by side with X3, it'll use all of the same plugins that are locked to X3 and works pretty much identically, except there's literally years and thousands of bug fixes and extra features. Even if nothing in the list is a must-have thing, I'll definitely say a lot of the little things really add up over time to make it a much more intuitive experience. :) 

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53 minutes ago, Lord Tim said:

I'd also strongly suggest grabbing Cakewalk though - you can load that in side by side with X3, it'll use all of the same plugins that are locked to X3 and works pretty much identically, except there's literally years and thousands of bug fixes and extra features.


I have 30 years of old projects, and all of them open fine in the current release. But I'll also suggest you copy the track content into a new project started from a current template (or a custom template created from one of the included templates) as old project files can be missing values or have non-ideal default settings for  various parameters/features that didn't yet exist at the time or have been re-engineered.

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2 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

Even if nothing in the list is a must-have thing

I bet if you tried going back to SONAR Platinum for a week you wouldn't say that! ?

That's the thing with the incremental "small" and convenience features: a lot of the time we don't think about them because it seemed like they should have been there in the first place. Ripple Edit indicator, anyone? Configurable Smart Tool? Comprehensive Export dialog?

It depends on your definition of "must-have," I suppose. Yes, you can record and edit and render audio and MIDI with SONAR Platinum, and the new features might not even impact your workflows, but that's because you're a veteran and your workflows were developed before the most recent features came along. For someone like me who's only known the CbB version, loss of many of the things would really slow me down.

Heck, Replace FX and the fact that the synth UI's open when you use Replace Synth would drive me nuts to be without (well, to be fair, the lack of them was already driving me nuts). I used to lose takes to the inability to properly name my interfaces' inputs.

For new users, these "little things" really add up to the program feeling smoother at first look. I suspect that maybe over the years with all fthe changes in staff and ownership and management at Cakewalk, Inc., a lot of details were missed or put off until a "later" that never came until BandLab let the current team off the leash.

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What format of projects are you talking about? .cwp, .cwb or maybe even .wrk or .bun? Bundle-files are known to get corrupt sometimes, and when they do, there's little you can do about it.

IIRC, in a case of missing audio files Sonar gives a message about it pointing you to right direction. If it just rolls endlessly without any signs of life it makes me think of corrupt bundle files. 

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Hey everyone, thanks for your answers, I do appreciate them greatly! It turns out that Bitflipper had the solution. I would have bet against it figuring that it would be something way more irritating (as usual), but no--not this time. I followed your advice and there they were again ( the songs) in all their wretched glory--burning my ears with the unbelievable awfulness of my "skills" of yesteryear. Now I have some new work to do which will actually be fun instead of frightening.

By the way, one of the plugs that showed up in every song so far was that damned Melodyne. If you have used it before I am sure you will understand my feelings here.

Thanks so much everyone! Bitflipper gets the chicken dinner on this one. I'll see you guys around I'm sure. Until then, have fun out there!


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12 hours ago, bobernaut said:

By the way, one of the plugs that showed up in every song so far was that damned Melodyne. If you have used it before I am sure you will understand my feelings here.


Once again —- Render all Melodyne active clips before you close a project unless you desire a corrupted project down the road. You can easily re apply the regional effect a second and third or fourth time. There is no benefit in leaving Melodyne active in a project. It’s almost like not saving before you shut down. 

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20 hours ago, John Vere said:

Once again —- Render all Melodyne active clips before you close a project unless you desire a corrupted project down the road. You can easily re apply the regional effect a second and third or fourth time. There is no benefit in leaving Melodyne active in a project. It’s almost like not saving before you shut down. 

Ain't this the truth.. right John?


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