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Little Annie Fannie

freddy j

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Several days ago I was listening to the song "Tuff" by Ace Cannon.  It was done in a style that we used to call "raunchy rock".  A few days later I was in a silly mood and was thinking about that song.  Using the title I came up with this number.  While it used the title and it is about tough, it is not an instrumental and I don't think that I duplicated that raunchy rock style (mine is too up-tempo).

Anyway, if you listen to it, I hope that it gives you a bit of a giggle.  As always comments, crit.'s, suggestions, donations (?), etc. will be much appreciated.






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Can't say I am a fan of Ace, (I do like his stuff) but down here in Louisiana they play that (although a little faster) along with other songs by Van Morrison and others and call it Swamp Pop! That song would fit in, if it was played a little faster!! I enjoyed the song Freddy along with the Slinky Girl one. Listened to them both. I like you guitar playing. And your tone.

Edited by Grem
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your style on this put me in mind of Bill Kirchen, who is one of my all-time favorites. Really nice guitar work as usual.

One thing maybe to look at is the bgv's, they bring a little mud into the house when they pop up. I don't know how much extra reverb you are giving the bgv's? Most reverbs have a "low cut" filter thingy, maybe raise that up above 800hz or so? Is that some reverb mud on the bgv's, or ? I like the bgv parts though.




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Hey Grem.  I must say I am a big fan of "Swamp Rock" also!  Somewhere on my SoundClick list of song I have a couple attempts at this genre (Mangrove Sally and Spooky Woman Blues  ---oh well at least I tried).  I think that the main difference between swamp rock and raunchy rock it that raunchy rock has more of a "chunk-a-chunk-a-chunka" rhythmic quality.  Ya, there is probably a better way to describe it but I don't know what it is.  Anyway, I do appreciate your taking the time to listen and I appreciate your feedback.  Thanks!!!

Hi Tom.  I am so glad that you mentioned Bill Kirchen.  I haven't listened to him in quite a while.  I went on YouTube and found a full concert that he did back a few years ago.  The man was a not only a terrific guitarist but goodness gracious, he was one heck of an entertainer also.  I didn't use any 'verb on the bgv's.  You are the expert my friend  --- so, I will go back to the files and give a listen and a fix (if I can figure it out).  Thanks very much for reminding be of Bill Kirchen and for the great input!!! 

Hey Joad.  Some of my best songs were done when I have been in a silly mood.  Oops, I guess that's not saying much  -- huh?  I much appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.  Thanks!!!

Hi Paul.  I always appreciate that you listen and take time to comment.  Thanks for the kind words.  BTW, I really like the new song that you recently posted.


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Hi amiller.  Thanks very much for the kind comment.  It is much appreciated!

Hello Gary.  I grew up with this kind of music (and the Blues, and rockabilly, and cool jazz).  It is kind of like a magnet that always draws me back.  Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Hey Douglas. It had you thumping -- well, anything that gets you moving must be OK, right?  I really appreciate your kind comments and thank you for taking the time to listen.

Hi Bjorn.  Thank you very much my friend!  It is amazing what images are out there in the ether of the web. A little  Photoshop for titles and it can fit the need.  I always have to find the picture to match the song.  Thanks again.

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Freddy, this really captures the mood I'm in right now.  I'd been listening to some early Clapton and Mayall lately, and this made me feel kind of gritty, if you know what I mean.  You have been crankin' out some terrific songs recently, and I like all of them.  Your work with Jesse has been eye opening.  You are the living example of "I've got my mojo workin".  Rock on!

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Hi Rik.  Thank you very much and thanks for turning me on to Omar and the Howlers.

Hello Jesse.  Thank you.  The vocals that you mentioned are my attempt at 3 part harmony.  Simply recording  (and many frustrating times of re-recording) a separate track for each vocal part.  The part that you mentioned at 1;20, as Rik noted, is just a little bit of "borrowing" from the Peter Gunn theme.  I have the working file  --  and that has the settings.  Thanks again!

Hey John B.  Thank you.  I appreciate the kind comments and your taking the time to listen.

Hi Lynn.  "Gritty" --- I do know what you mean.  However, in my case it probably means I should bathe more often. ?  Ya, Jesse has opened up a new area of interest for me.  I don't quite have the chops for this style yet but I find it fun and am going to listen to more of it.  Thanks for your kind comments my friend.

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