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I'd like to talk about a very, very old bug.


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The bug I want to talk about has been there since I remember and it has never been addressed. It's about deleting sections of tracks with "Delete hole" option checked. See the first picture. In this example clips in tracks 1-8 and 17 will be shifted and the selected part deleted but the remaining tracks will be un affected. Cakewalk for some reason decides that the selected empty space should be ignored. That's definitely not the way I imagine this should work.

In the second example absolutely nothing will happen when you try to remove the empty section.

You can try both Delete Special or Cut Special with the same result.


screen 2023-01-30 091707.jpg

screen 2023-01-30 092503.jpg

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thanks, I wasn't aware of that ripple editing thing

I tried it but it is not perfect. Here is before and after. As you can see all my sections are gone after deletion

If I uncheck "Arranger sections" in the dialog box the sections are not deleted but they are not shifted either.

Am I still doing something wrong?



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If you long-click the ripple edit button, you have the option of All or Selection. All should basically trash everything selected and shift the remainder of the project to fill the gap  (and make sure you turn it off when you're done - this has the potential of utterly destroying a project if you're careless with it!)

You'd basically just press the delete key to get rid of stuff, so no need for explicitly choosing Deleting Hole or anything like that.

If it's still not working as expected, try grabbing  screen capture with something like LiceCap or even saving a video to YouTube, it'll help to see exactly what you're doing.


Edited by Lord Tim
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It seems to work fine for all tracks except for the arranger track. with 'ripple edit all' option my sections in the arranger track disappear after pressing delete key, with 'ripple edit selection' the sections remain in place and they are not shifted. but I found a workaround.

basically the problem is that I don't have a section within the selected part and before it so I just made them! and now it is working correctly.

I still think this doesn't work the way I imagine it should but at least there is a simple workaround.

thanks again for all your suggestions and help!

PS. I noticed on your profile your birthday is April 2. So is mine! ?

Edited by OddSox
I remembered something.
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1 hour ago, OddSox said:

It seems to work fine for all tracks except for the arranger track. with 'ripple edit all' option my sections in the arranger track disappear after pressing delete key, with 'ripple edit selection' the sections remain in place and they are not shifted. but I found a workaround.

basically the problem is that I don't have a section within the selected part and before it so I just made them! and now it is working correctly.

I still think this doesn't work the way I imagine it should but at least there is a simple workaround.

Looks like this is a bug with Ripple delete and arranger tracks set to absolute time.

We've got a fix - it'll be in the next release.

In the meantime, adding a temporary section like you've suggested will work as a workaround.


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