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How to assign midi channels to Synthmaster Player pre-sets

Ray Cheser

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How do I assign different cakewalk track midi channels to different pre-sets in synthmaster player, or conversely, how do I assign different pre-sets in synthmaster to different midi channels/tracks in cakewalk?  It really shouldn't be too hard but I can't find a setting in synthmaster player that assigns a midi channel.  Do I need a separate instance of synthmaster player for each cakewalk track?  Is there a guide somewhere for how to do this?

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As far as I know you will need a separate instance of SynthMaster on each track. SynthMaster is not a multi-timbral instrument and can only play one preset at a time.

Instrument presets used in multi-timbral plugins such as Kontakt or SampleTank can each be assigned to their own MIDI channel. Most software synths are not multi-timbral.

Edited by abacab
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I agree, but I would make one significant distinction:


Instrument presets used in multi-timbral plugins . . . can each be assigned to their own MIDI channel. Most contemporary software synths are not multi-timbral. ["contemporary software" added for historical purposes.]

Unfortunately, many soft synths are not multi-channel/multi-timbral instruments like almost all of my hardware synths and samplers are. 

With Synthmaster 2.9 we can change the channel through Settings.


MIDI Input Channel     Each SynthMaster instance has its own MIDI Input Channel setting.

  • This parameter determines how SynthMaster handles multi-channel MIDI messages. It can take the following values:
    • Channel 1-16: If MIDI Input Channel is set to a specific channel, SynthMaster processes MIDI data only from that channel.
    • Omni: In Omni mode, SynthMaster disregards the MIDI channel by setting the channel number to 1 for incoming MIDI messages. Mono presets might not behave correctly in this mode if receiving multi-channel MIDI messages.
    • MPE: In MPE mode, SynthMaster can receive&process multi-channel MIDI messages and Channel 1 becomes the global channel as per the MPE Standard. This mode is used with MPE compatible MIDI controllers such as ROLI Seaboard.
    • Multi: In Multi mode, SynthMaster can receive and process multi-channel MIDI messages. This mode is used with MIDI Guitars.

So far as I can see, Multi mode does not allow for different MIDI channels to have different presets.  ? 

Aside: If you have Voltage Modular Core, it is fairly easy to design a basic preset that contains 16 channelized instances of SynthMaster (among other software synths) hosted in Voltage Modular.  I am guessing there are other tools that do this, too.  One advantage of this approach for me is that once I have the voltagepreset set up, I can insert a single instance of VM into Cakewalk and choose that channelized preset in VM.  Saves having to insert up to 16 instances of any the synth. 

There are other advantages as well as some disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is that VM only has 4 pairs of stereo outputs. 

Edited by User 905133
(3) To emphasize an important limitation; (2) To add an aside; (1) Edited to reflect a test of Multi mode
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2 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Unfortunately, many soft synths are not multi-channel/multi-timbral instruments like almost all of my hardware synths and samplers are. 

The OP was asking about a specific contemporary software synth, therefore my general "synth" answer was in the context of the original question.  Of course, as you say, most hardware synths are multi-timbral, so in an attempt at being succinct with my answer I was not accurate in a more general sense. ;)

2 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Aside: If you have Voltage Modular Core, it is fairly easy to design a basic preset that contains 16 channelized instances of SynthMaster (among other software synths) hosted in Voltage Modular.  I am guessing there are other tools that do this, too.  One advantage of this approach for me is that once I have the voltagepreset set up, I can insert a single instance of VM into Cakewalk and choose that channelized preset in VM.  Saves having to insert up to 16 instances of any the synth. 

A simpler way to accomplish this is to set up the multi-track arrangement once in the Cakewalk tracks with the MIDI channel assignments and presets selected in each instance. Then either save it as a Cakewalk Project Template or a Cakewalk Track Template. If you wish to be able to insert the multi-track arrangement into any existing Cakewalk project, export it as a Cakewalk Track Template.

In either case, this setup can be easily recalled in Cakewalk at any time without having to re-insert multiple instances of a software synth. The MIDI channel settings and preset selections will be preserved as well. :)

2 hours ago, User 905133 said:

So far as I can see, Multi mode does not allow for different MIDI channels to have different presets.  ? 

Back on the topic of SynthMaster... this is correct! The KV331 Audio developer, Bulent, has stated that he plans to implement 16 layers in SynthMaster 3, each layer with it's own MIDI channel setting. Assuming that each layer can have a different preset then it would be multi-timbral capable, which I assume will happen because he also stated that SynthMaster One presets will load on individual layers in SM 3. No firm release date yet for SM 3, but the dev has stated that it's his current main focus for now.

Edited by abacab
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12 minutes ago, abacab said:

Back on the topic of SynthMaster... this is correct! The KV331 Audio developer, Bulent, has stated that he plans to implement 16 layers in SynthMaster 3, each layer with it's own MIDI channel setting. Assuming that each layer can have a different preset then it would be multi-timbral capable, which I assume will happen because he also stated that SynthMaster One presets will load on individual layers in SM 3. No firm release date yet for SM 3, but the dev has stated that it's his current main focus for now.

Having SynthMaster 3 and SynthMaster One with 16 channels (midi and audio) would be great!!!  ? 

Edited by User 905133
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7 hours ago, User 905133 said:

Having SynthMaster 3 and SynthMaster One with 16 channels (midi and audio) would be great!!!  ? 

Not SynthMaster One, which will remain a one layer, one MIDI channel synth.

SM 3 will be able to load SM One presets as layers. Don't know about multiple audio outputs. Have not seen that mentioned...

Edited by abacab
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