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And using the BlueARP DM MK.1 hardware unit...

"YES, 7 Synths at the same time! In this video using 1 master keyboard (Novation SL-61 MKII) and BlueARP DM MK.1 I have created some improvised Trance Music. The following synths were used and are all controlled by BlueARP DM MK.1"

  • Korg ARP 2600 FS
  • Sub Bass Yamaha AN1-X
  • Mid Bass Behringer TD-3
  • Aceed lines. (Sequenced in and transposed in BlueARP DM) Roland JP-8000
  • Supersaw arpeggios Moog One
  • Supersaw Pad Roland V-Synth
  • Transition FX Korg M1 (from Legacy Collection)
  • Additional Pads For percussion I sequenced a Behringer RD-9 and RD-8 in Ableton 11, triggered via a Push controller. BlueARP DM's clock is slaved to Ableton, and on start BlueARP DM starts running in time. Audio is processed through Ableton also in real-time, this is how I'm getting a more polished sound, but no sequencing of anything other than the percussion was done in Ableton.



Edited by abacab
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I really feel for the BlueARP dev. Here's his blog post on BlueARP DM. I hope he is able to continue development and build a successful sales channel.

BlueARP DM blog post, copied below for your convenience


Updates on BlueARP DM sales (July 2022)

By admin July 27, 2022

Sorry for long silence on BlueARP DM project. Due to political and economical turbulence I was waiting for the situation to settle down a bit, and honestly I was (and still am) quite low-spirited and de-motivated because all of this happening. But at least I can see that for the last 3 months the logistics/economical restrictions stay more or less the same and I can plan some actions.

Shipping / Logistics:

I can ship to most of the countries, except those few who suspended postal connections with Russia from their side: Finland, Australia, Denmark, Sweden. Also there are some countries where Russian Post doesn’t send officially due to missing logistics (like Yemen, Botswana, etc.), but I never got orders from these counties and unlikely ever will. The main issue is with 4 countries stated before – I can’t ship there right now and I don’t have a partner in a proxy country nearby yet, but there is a chance it will be sorted out in a few months.


PayPal is not an option since March 2022 and this is unlikely to change anytime soon, so the only working option right now is direct wire transfer / SWIFT. There is a chance I will have a partner with PayPal account who will collect PayPal payments for me in a few months, but for now I can offer only SWIFT payment. It should work with any bank, the difference is that it is not instant (may take 1-2 days) and there is some transaction fee like 20-30$.

Parts procurement:

Most of the parts are from China and this logistics channel still works. I order about half of the parts from Chinese retailers directly and other half from the local retailers. Only the enclosures are the problem (blue and white ones) cause I was ordering them from USA. It is still possible for me to order from USA, but it is much trickier now, so likely I will switch to local alternatives. Still I have a few enclosures in stock. Chip shortage is still there and the price is a bit higher, but they are still available. So parts wise it is not bad overall (comparing to other areas).

USD/RUB Exchange Rate:

This is a real PITA, cause before Feb 2022 it was around 80 RUB per 1 USD, now it is about 60 RUB, due to heavy currency regulations imposed by Russian government. With this exchange rate, selling them in USD at current price (730$ for the blue and 790$ for the white) leaves me with no margin at all , since the parts price didn’t drop that much and this eats up all my margin. There is a hope the exchange rate will grow back a bit after Sept 2022, when some regulations should be weakened, but I can’t rely on that. So at least for those who are in the waiting list already, I will sell at the same USD price, later I may consider revising the prices.

Production rates / Scaling up:

Before Feb 2022 I was planning to outsource the production, cause I got more orders that I could fulfill with my limited production capacity. Now I expect 50%-90% of the customers will be put off by the obstacles like missing PayPal, delays and other stuff. So scaling up plans are suspended for now and I will build the units myself.

Further actions:

First I’m going to send mails to all the people from my current waiting list and ask if they are still in the game. So the few units I have now will be re-arranged cause I think that at least half of the people will cancel or already forgot about it. Next, I will plan further production.

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7 hours ago, John Maar said:

I really feel for the BlueARP dev. Here's his blog post on BlueARP DM. I hope he is able to continue development and build a successful sales channel.

Yes, unfortunately the developer is caught up in the middle of current international political and economic sanctions, so there's not really much he can do about the supply chain, manufacturing, and sales at present.

But the BlueArp plugin version downloads are available here: https://omg-instruments.com/wp/?page_id=46

The developer, aka "graywolf2004", started this thread at KVR 10 years ago: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=361311&hilit=bluearp

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