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CbB Hangs on Closing

Les Tarr

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Why is this suddenly happening?

 Does anyone have an idea what I might check?


When I close CbB, it will not re-open. Looking in Task Manager shows Cakewalk.exe still running under processes...

This happens everytime even without loading a project. Open CbB, Close CbB and it won't re-open until I manually stop the process via Task Manager

Can I fix this somehow?



Edited by Les Tarr
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Normally I would say this points to a possible issue with either your audio or MIDI drivers. Sometimes these need re-installing after a Windows update.

However, there's a few other things you could check within Preferences:

1. Make sure Cakewalk analytics is set to off by unchecking it. This service is switched off, so Cakewalk might be trying to connect to an unreachable target:


2. In VST Settings, make sure the plugin scan is set to Manual Scan, and to Scan in Sandbox. Sometimes Cakewalk can get stuck scanning a problem plugin.


3. For the time being, turn toast notifications off


Additionally, make sure that any virus scanner or cloud storage utility has your Cakewalk files excluded from its scan.

Once you've done that, come out of Cakewalk and delete TTSSEQ.INI and AUD.INI from %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core (Cakewalk will recreate these files the next time its opened).

Then try running Cakewalk again.

If its still happening, re-install your Audio interface drivers and MIDI drivers if you have any, and delete TTSSEQ.INI and AUD.INI again before running Cakewalk.


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Some plugins like Addictive Drums have an online "Sync" process that runs when the plugin is opened.

This can cause CbB to take a bit longer to completely shut down.

FWIW, I'm experiencing this with the latest CbB... (while mixing a project for a client).

CbB will close... it just takes a little longer.

If I have Task Manager open... and stop the AD "Sync" process, the Cakewalk process stops almost immediately after.


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