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Rigid Audio Atheos Preorder

Larry Shelby

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4 simulatenous running engines.

11 GB.

300 instruments for engines 1-3 ("sampler", "time-machine" and "tone-machine").

150 instruments for the fourth "noise" engine.

string,bass,piano,pad,ambient,texture,bell,wind,wave and fx instruments.

forward, reversed and "both" playback.

sound category filters/selectors.

volume, pan and glide control per engine.

11 filter types (incl. vowel and phaser).

comprehensive and musical randomizing features.

adjustable key (note) range for each engine for keysplits.

each engine has its own output for individual mixing and processing in your DAW of choice.


4 sequencers with 4 steps table buffers for each engine.

up to 16 simultaneous running sequencers.

2-128 steps per sequencer (up to 512 steps using the four table buffers).

table buffer playlist options.

inter-sequencer modulation.

7 sequencer playbackmodes (incl. flam, random and step).

40 built-in sequencer table presets.

random table speed per sequencer

extensive non-destructive table editing functions (incl. rescaling and stretch/shrink).

4 modulation targets for each sequencer.

each modulation target features inverting, low/high range control and randomization.

each sequencer can be modulated via modulation wheel or any continous MIDI controller.

realtime modulation of any parameter (incl. effect parameters).

modulation of engine features like speed, smooth, grain, formant and others.

random modulation target selection.

NOTE: ATHEOS requires the full retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1.
It will not work with the free Kontakt Player.
ATHEOS is a download-only product. A fast internet-connection is required.


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  On 7/23/2019 at 11:22 AM, LadyFuzztail said:

Wait, only $3.99? That doesn't sound right for a pre-order.


Actually it does for Rigid Audio.
If you're on their mailing list you will get discount codes on their instruments that can take the price down into to ~$4 range; though usually you have to wait a bit after release before they're offered.

Don't let the price scare you off they have some fun and inspiring stuff!


  On 7/23/2019 at 5:58 PM, Glyn Barnes said:

 I don't see any mention of the pre-order on the website


The killer prices are usually email offers not mentioned on the website.
I received an email that has same price/same link.

Edited by TheSteven
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I find Rigid Audio's pricing a good exercise in asking myself "Do I really nead this ?"

For some reason, it's easier for me to turn down a 3$ plugin that I don't even know what it does, than a 150$ choir library (that I'm also not sure I'll use any time soon).


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