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[Solved] Clip Envelope Gain?


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It used to be so easy, right click a clip, add envelope, select gain or pan, done. That option is gone, no more right click on a clip to add an envelope (Why Spongebob, Why??) I tried clicking a clip then pressing T to bring up the tools menu, then selected clip envelope>gain, but it's drawing the gain envelope line across all individual clips in the track. Basically like a track envelope instead of a clip envelope . Also when I click to raise or lower the envelope it draws from the click point to create a peak or valley (adds an envelope control point) rather than raising or lowering the entire level of the clip linearly like it used to.

Is there an easy way to add a linear gain envelope to a single clip? 

Edited by sean72
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23 hours ago, hadada said:

midi track press =+

audio track ctrl + left click

In Track View, for audio tracks, selecting the clip and pressing SHFT + PLUS (+) adds a clip gain envelope and switches the edit filter to CLIP CLIP AUTOMATION. Hovering over the automation envelope shows clip gain. The edit filter text looks like it might be a bug. I didn't go any further.

The CTRL + Left Click didn't work for me.

Did not try the MIDI track option. I don't use MIDI enough to feel comfortable with it.

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7 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

In Track View, for audio tracks, selecting the clip and pressing SHFT + PLUS (+) adds a clip gain envelope and switches the edit filter to CLIP CLIP AUTOMATION. Hovering over the automation envelope shows clip gain. The edit filter text looks like it might be a bug. I didn't go any further.

The CTRL + Left Click didn't work for me.

Did not try the MIDI track option. I don't use MIDI enough to feel comfortable with it.

The new implementation is actually much faster. Here is what you might have missed as I did at first..

Make sure you have the "Smart Tool" selected from the tool menu. Press "T" to open tools menu if it's not already visible on the control bar at the top of the screen.. The smart tool is the one all the way to the left in the tools menu.  I'm not sure if the use of this tool is 100% necessary but that's how I got it to work. 

Then hover the pointer over the audio clip you want to boost or cut the gain on, While hovering, hold down CTRL then Left-Click-Hold and Drag. You will see the clip gain line appear and move in real time as you move the mouse up or down. You should also see the clip amplitude graphic getting larger or smaller as you drag it up or down. 

Not only is this much faster to adjust clip volume but the scaling of the amplitude graphic makes it much easier to match clip levels visually.

Edited by sean72
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14 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

The CTRL + Left Click didn't work for me.

If you have 'Maximize Waveform Height' checked in Track View menu under View > Display, then it will work only when clicking in the bottom half of a clip.

After setting Edit Filter to clip gain, hover mouse somewhere close to the top of clip until cursor changes to up and down arrows then you can change the whole envelope with just a mouse click (without Ctrl).

Edited by chris.r
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14 hours ago, Bill Phillips said:

In Track View, for audio tracks, selecting the clip and pressing SHFT + PLUS (+) adds a clip gain envelope and switches the edit filter to CLIP CLIP AUTOMATION.

That's track's Volume automation for me (yellow), not clip gain (red). And the focus doesn't switch with the click here so maybe there's another setting hiding in the menus ?

Edited by chris.r
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19 hours ago, sean72 said:

The new implementation is actually much faster. Here is what you might have missed as I did at first..

Make sure you have the "Smart Tool" selected from the tool menu. Press "T" to open tools menu if it's not already visible on the control bar at the top of the screen.. The smart tool is the one all the way to the left in the tools menu.  I'm not sure if the use of this tool is 100% necessary but that's how I got it to work. 

Then hover the pointer over the audio clip you want to boost or cut the gain on, While hovering, hold down CTRL then Left-Click-Hold and Drag. You will see the clip gain line appear and move in real time as you move the mouse up or down. You should also see the clip amplitude graphic getting larger or smaller as you drag it up or down. 

Not only is this much faster to adjust clip volume but the scaling of the amplitude graphic makes it much easier to match clip levels visually.

Thank you! I've struggled grasping that concept since it was added. Following your detailed instructions, I got it! Thanks again.

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