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King Burton


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Had recent update issues forcing me to a full Cakewalk delete and reload. Been three weeks and still finding little details to address.

Track is mono, interleave set to mono, all to stereo output. Interface is set correct. Worked great for YEARS until update. What should panning law be?

**** Just rechecked interleaves - some to stereo. Now pans but no matter what law I choose, huge increase in L/R vs C. How to make L or R same as C?

From Doc: 0 dB center, balance control. This choice causes no boost in a signal that’s panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.     - This is what I want.

So, have selected 0 dB center, balance control, rebooted Cakewalk, no change in pan.

So what I am getting is one of these:

(Default) 0dB center, sin/cos taper, constant power. This choice causes a 3 dB boost in a signal that’s panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.

-3dB center, sin/cos taper, constant power. This choice causes no boost in a signal that’s panned hard left or right, and 3 dB dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.

0dB center, square-root taper, constant power. This choice causes a 3 dB boost in a signal that’s panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.

Edited by King Burton
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