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Kontakt 7 and Cakewalk = CRASH - can you reproduce?

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Overall, Kontakt 7 and Cakewalk work fine for me. But recently I was following along with a Kontakt tutorial and could consistently get Cakewalk to crash. Sent dump file to support along with the following info. Unfortunately, the first support reply asked me to reinstall Kontakt??

Can someone try the following and see if you can reproduce the crash? I think that would rule out something in my configuration as the cause.

> Open Cakewalk, load Basic template (or another, doesn't matter)
> Add track, Instrument, Kontakt 7
> In Kontakt 7 load Instrument "40s Very Own Drums"
> In Kontakt Outputs, select Presets/Batch Configuration/Factory/Mono 16x (or any other)
> 16 mono tracks are created
> In Instrument, click on the "Kit" tab, then click on 1 of the drum pads of the instrument
>CRASH. Crash may even happen by just clicking on the "Kit" tab.

I think the problem lies in the Kontakt 7 Batch creation of tracks. Crashes seem to happen at different times depending on if you load the instrument first, then Batch create the tracks, or Batch the tracks first, etc.
I also loaded other drum instruments and had same crash when just clicking on something after using the Batch creation. Not sure if this happens with other non-drum instruments.


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Just a follow up. I contacted Cakewalk support and they had me uninstall/reinstall Microsoft Visual 14.xxx (x86 and x64), as the DMP file indicated that was what was crashing.

Visual reinstall did not help.

Can someone please try and see if you can cause the crash as well (per my initial post)? 

I seems to happen when you batch create multiple outs in Kontakt (see my inital post) and then load an instrument. It’s happening mostly with Kontakt drum type instruments that contain a “Kit” tab (I’m able to crash 40s Very Own Drums, Butch Vig Drums, Maschine Drums, Empire Breaks, etc. as soon as you click on the "Kit" tab).

Example - after creating multiple Kontakt Outs and loading the Empire Breaks Kit in Maschine, click on "Kit" and CRASH:


Not really affecting me at this point but I assume it will be a hassle somewhere down the road - and want to see if it is just my setup or if it is something affecting all Cakewalk/Kontakt users.

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