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AISO4ALL - No Computer sounds


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I am using a Xenyx Q802 USB with Cakewalk.
The AISO4All driver is configured as follows.


Everything works in Cakewalk, I can record and playback.
But i still want to be able to play music from other sources e.g. Youtube / Mediaplayer.
It looks like Cakewalk has complete control over the playback device.
How can I change this?

Regards Patrick

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1. please DON'T use ASIO4ALL

2. use WASAPI shared if your Interface doesn't provide it's own ASIO driver

3. try "Suspend Audio Engine when Cakewalk is not in focus"

all the best 2 u

PS: Because of the USB Audio Controller (TI 2902)  an old native driver from Behringer incl. ASIO Support could be found: Google search for "BEHRINGER_2902_X64_2.8.40" or "BEHRINGER_2902_WIN32_2.8.40"

Edited by michheld
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On 12/29/2022 at 4:04 AM, Jack Stoner said:

ASIO4ALL is  probably the culprit, not Cakewalk.

I tried it one time, on an experiment, and it corrupted my PC audio.



It is not really an ASIO driver but a modified Windows driver.   It's open source and some developers use it to create their own version. I know there is FL Asio and Cubase has their version.

Windows is very good with legacy drivers.

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ASIO-4-ALL is a terrible "solution" (workaround) for audio interfaces that don't provide a proper ASIO driver.

Do yourself a major favor... and grab an audio interface that provides a proper ASIO driver.

This issue will be gone... and your overall DAW experience will be more robust.

A side benefit will be lower round-trip latency.

Edited by Jim Roseberry
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