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Does Korg nanoKontrol Studio play nice with Arturia MKII Keyboard?

Salvatore Sorice

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Got the Korg nanoKontrol Studio and was able to set it up via USB / Mackie Control. I also have an Arturia Keylab88 MKII setup in Cubase Mode and using Mackie Control as well.

If I start Cakewalk with the Arturia and nano both on, the nano works great - all the controls function in Cakewalk. However, my Arturia keyboard does not respond anymore. Can't play it, faders/knobs don't work, etc. On the Arturia LCD screen, if I move a fader on the keyboard - nothing happens. If I move a fader on the nano, the Arturia LCD screen shows the activity of the nano fader.

Is it possible to get them to play nice together (ie, both work in tandem to control Cakewalk) and I can play my keyboard as well?

I'm very new to Controllers/Mackie Control, etc. and am probably doing something dumb. Suggestion appreciated!

Edited by Sal Sorice
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