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Fluffy Audio Xmas Sale

Larry Shelby

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Fluffy Audio ignored every support request I ever had going back nearly one year and then two requests made over around 2 months. The dev was very friendly on VI Control pre-sale and post sale when I had nice things to say. Then when I posted on Facebook that I liked their libraries but the support was non-existent and the developer turned hostile very quickly and had zero concern to do anything but get ugly with me and name call to the point of defamation / libel.  Easily the worst experience I've ever had with any developer and the guy showed zero interest in working things out though he publicly claimed to be trying. He made an offer that he was going to make a patch for me (spoiler: he never did). All because I publicly shared what going on. In any event, I strongly advise against buying from them. There are plenty of other options for string libraries from developers that provide good support and treat customers with respect.  

On a related note, if a paying customer who shares a negative experience publicly about a developer results in that developer calling the customer mentally ill and a liar in order to discredit them, for sharing my experience you can imagine how difficult it is for an influencer to do an honest review of a library and expect to maintain a relationship with that kind of developer. That's the reality of influencer reviews. Even if they wanted to give reviews that are blunt, hey have to be careful not to tick off developers. 

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Some alternatives for cellos that are in the same price range from developers with far better support in my experience: 

Sonixinema's Intimate Legato Cello
£69.00 and get 20% OFF  with the code SXNTA (storewide)

Tina Guo Cello (Legato)
$89 USD on sale
https://cinesamples.com/product/tina-guo-acoustic-cello-legato?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=performance max strings&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&keyword=&gclid=CjwKCAiAnZCdBhBmEiwA8nDQxVG4n7WCIX7LtOYbHthuKQ29Yu6e2BGKG8pCutPUKPjN6KOQoojFghoCnDQQAvD_BwE



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