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UVI PX Apollo and PX V8 $19 at Audiodeluxe.

Larry Shelby

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Normally I would jump on these lovely UVI synths, like I did on their U1250 (Kurzweil) last month.

But my thinking weirdly changed. Of course, Arturia has synth models, while UVI does sample based, which would normally tilt in favor of the former. But the latter (UVI) remains pretty interesting for those synths that were sample (rom) based themselves originally, like the Kurzweil 250. So I'll continue getting those from UVI, as they perfectly sample the original samples.

So I'll be closely watching Audiodeluxe for sales on the UVI rom-synth remakes in particular.

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  On 12/20/2022 at 2:09 AM, Fleer said:

But that Voyetra 8 (UVI PX ? is mighty sweet:



I totally agree that sample based hardware synths are perfect candidates for sample based emulations (of course), especially if the synth is totally digital and the filter and other algorithms can be copied or recreated.

But comparing those two offers I think that the PX apollo should cost a lot less since it has 3.39 GB of samples and the Voyetra V8 have 15.53 GB.

I know that this dos not reflect necessarily the quality of the instrument but... almost 4x more sound material!!!

Having said that I'll get the Voyetra and I'll pass the Apollo.

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  On 12/31/2022 at 12:05 AM, Promidi said:

Ah yeah, that's a point.  Keep WS1 installed while you change the projects over to WS2.  Then uninstall WS2


mmm bad move so ..can t keep those just for that , planing on upadteinbg beatbox anthology , synth anthology and worldsuite , if  double the size i will lose like 50 gb for nothing ....


Please give me the name of Worldsuite 2 ufs on your hardrive  .... (is it worldsuite or worldsuite 2 )

Edited by Zo
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  On 12/31/2022 at 12:47 AM, Zo said:

Damn .... 

Thks homie 

Now i remeber why i never updates uvi stuff


If you are feeing a little adventurous, and can edit text files, you may be able to edit the UVI Multi files (They are standard text files with a uviws extension), to replace occurrences of "World Suite.ufs" with “World Suite 2.ufs” on a backup uviws file.

I have not tried this, so I cannot tell you if it would work or not.

You would have to experiment.

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  On 12/31/2022 at 1:14 AM, Promidi said:

If you are feeing a little adventurous, and can edit text files, you may be able to edit the UVI Multi files (They are standard text files with a uviws extension), to replace occurrences of "World Suite.ufs" with “World Suite 2.ufs” on a backup uviws file.

I have not tried this, so I cannot tell you if it would work or not.

You would have to experiment.


Thks , i 'm not in a rush to update , wanted tot do so with the vacuhers but , nothing urgent , so i might simply skipp...

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  On 1/2/2023 at 2:09 AM, Zo said:

Anybody owns the  UVI PX memories ? versus  the V8 ?   need to pick one or the over to use a vaucher on uvi !!! or two falcon expansion 


I just got these sweet Falcon expansions:

- the Simon Stockhausen trio (Fluidity, Plurality and Ether Fields)

- LoFi Dreams

- Organic Keys


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